Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Reading Time

In a lot of ways, I’ve been pretty fortunate to work for Bemidji State University. While losing two weeks of class sucks, BSU didn’t choose to rush into the university-wide shift to remote learning. The result? A lot more breathing room (for me).

So in addition to all of the things I’ve been doing to keep my mind off the nightmare sweeping across the United States (today: taking a walk, playing some video games, and petting my cat), I’ve also been working hard on adjusting syllabi…and tempering my expectations. Even two weeks doesn’t feel like it’s enough…

One thing I’m looking forward to the most are our Zoom meetings. Most of my classes are focused on discussion. In other words, I don’t spend a lot of time lecturing, in large part because the types of classes I teach don’t rely on esoteric knowledge, memorization, or problem solving in the way others classes do (not a judgment). So losing that just…sucks. Several of my classes are a blast almost entirely because of the interactions I have with students.

In a way, it’s kinda nice to live in the 21st century, especially post 2010. And, no, that doesn’t mean I think the last few years have been a hoot (they’ve been awful). The fact that we have access to tools like Skype, Zoom, virtual classrooms, etc. makes life as a teacher during a pandemic just a little bit easier

The big question looming over us: Will the technology hold up to use? Can we rely on it?

Well, we’ll find it out on Monday…

In other news, I’m smack dab in the middle of Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath (in audiobook form), which I started after finishing Rebecca Roanhorse’s Resistance Reborn. I suspect I’ll have a few things to say about the way the current Star Wars Expanded Universe has been explored. So we’ll save that for another time.

But Marc Thompson reads a lot of the Star Wars audiobooks, and his voice acting is absolutely stellar. It makes for delicious listening material while on a walk, cooking, or working around the house. Marc Thompson may very well be the audiobook version of Odin.

And on that note, I need to go to bed…


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