Reading Time

The Space Opera Project Continues!

Some of you may recall that I began a database project last year containing space opera novels by women. To date, the list includes nearly 700 novels in the space opera genre.1 This has come through a combination of my own knowledge and the knowledge of the science fiction community, who have suggested numerous works for inclusion via this form.

The goal for this project is two-fold:

  1. Provide a publicly accessible list of space opera works by women so folks can find more of such work to read.
  2. To catalogue space opera works by women for my own academic interests — namely, a project I’d like to complete on forgotten women writers of space opera. For years, I’ve gone to used bookstores and stumbled upon space opera by women I didn’t even know existed. What are their stories? How did they get published? What themes do their works explore? Where are they now?

There’s still a lot of work to do. After all, there are surely more than 700 space opera novels by women! And there are other identities doing this work, too. Which brings me to this…

This week, I extended the project to include space opera novels by non-binary and trans authors. I’m asking for suggestions via the suggestion form.

So, if you have suggestions…suggest away. Otherwise, use the list to find some new reads!


  1. There is also a sheet for planetary romances, though I am not currently soliciting suggestions for that list. Eventually, though… :D

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