Shaun’s Rambles 002: The Value of Book Reviews and Dark Orbit by Carolyn Ives Gilman

…in which I continue a podcast of random thoughts had while driving home from work. In this edition:–TheValueOfBookReviewsAndDarkOrbit.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

Shaun’s Rambles 001: The Gallo Conspiracy and Trial By Fire

…in which I begin a podcast of random thoughts had while driving home from work. In this edition: Some thoughts on the controversy over Irene Gallo’s statements about the Sad / Rabid Puppies Some thoughts on Trial By Fire by Charles Gannon and the absence of sf/f awards for adventure fiction Enjoy the rambles. You can download the mp3 directly from this link or stream the episode below.–TheGalloConspiracyAndTrialByFire.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

On the SF/F Novel: What Happened to Short Novels?

Later tonight, I’m recording an episode of The Incomparable with Jason Snell, Scott McNulty, Paul Weimer, and Fred Kiesche.  We’ll be discussing the Nebula Awards novel finalists, and among the topics I intend to bring up is the fact that I have been bouncing off of novels hard lately.

On the Hugo Awards: Two Scholarly-ish Projects to Come

As you may well be aware, I am currently working on two projects related to the Hugo Awards.  I know I’ve mentioned both of these at some point, though the second is certainly the most visible of these projects.  I’m also sure you know that the Hugo Awards have been enormously controversial this year, earning mainstream attention in major newspapers and entertainment sites such as The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, Boing Boing, and so on.  That conversation is still happening; one need only look at File 770 to see it.

Why I’ve Quit Game of Thrones and Will Not Return

(Trigger warning:  this post will involve discussion of sexual violence, homophobia, and related subjects.  If you watch Game of Thrones, you probably already know what I’m talking about. I’m also releasing this post early because I can’t wait until Friday to drop it.  I’m moving my Retro Nostalgia feature to Friday for this week only.)

Patreon Update: Ch-ch-ch-changes and a Question

My Patreon page has been updated to reflect the changes to my blogging/writing efforts.  If you’d like to support what I do, please become a patron! On a related note: I’ve had some difficulty thinking about how to change the patron levels to better reflect what folks would want from such a thing.  In principle, folks support a Patreon because they like what a person does, but I also like the idea of adding something additional to the pot.  Thus far, that “addition” has been varying levels of voting ability and/or topic suggestion ability.  Now, I wonder if it might make more sense to make topic suggestions and votes a public function and replace the current levels with something else. The question:  what would I replace those things with? Some things I’ve considered: Quirky handwritten letters w/ handwritten maps and other weirdness (I love drawing maps) The Encyclopedia Obscura entries (absurd, quirky alternate history entries to an encyclopedia) Access to fiction (which some said I shouldn’t offer) No idea… I suppose what this comes down to is a confusion over what works for something like Patreon, especially when what you’re offering is written content that isn’t fiction.  So if you have any ideas, do let me know.  Otherwise, I’ll just leave the page as it is for the time being. Anywho!  Thanks for the support!