Book Review Up: Dust by Elizabeth Bear

Well, I have another book review written and you can see it here. This is the second novel I’ve read from Elizabeth Bear and hopefully I’ll get to read some more from her in the future. Enjoy!

Book Review Up: Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale

Well, another book review is up. You can read it here. I really liked this one, by the way. So read the review and decide for yourself if you like it. Just a note: Blogger is being really weird right now so if you notice anything going on that I’m not aware of, such as comment posting issues, page viewing issues, etc., please let me know. Thanks. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Book Review Up: Honeycomb by Israel Del Rio

I’ve just finished a review of a book I finished about two weeks ago. Apologies for the lateness. You can find the review here. It was a neat book, I just got busy and couldn’t write the review. Anywho. Enjoy! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Book Review Up: The Naming by Alison Croggon

Yup, I have another review up for Alison Croggon’s The Naming. Check it out here. Not a bad read if I do say so myself. Anywho. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Book Review Up: Sly Mongoose by Tobias S. Buckell

Well, I have another review up, this time of Tobias S. Buckell’s fantastic novel, Sly Mongoose. Check it out here. Oh, and go pre-order his new novel here. Seriously, it’s that good. Anywho! (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)

Book Review Up (sort of): First Mother’s Fire by H. L. Hoffman

Well, after mulling over this for a while I decided to finally just post my review of the book. You can find my thoughts on it here. I had a lot of issues with the novel, as you’ll see, and as such couldn’t finish it. Anywho. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)