2022 Hugo Awards Reading List: What Should I Have Read? Tell Me!

It’s been many years since I’ve done one of these. As I mentioned on my 2022 resolutions post/rant, I want to do a lot more reading and a lot more positive interactions in fandom. The first step: opening myself up to a public conversation about the Hugo Awards, the things I particularly loved, and more. But I don’t want to do that alone, which is where you come in. For several years, I asked folks to tell me what stories (fiction of all lengths and comics) they particularly enjoyed in the prior year. I then used those suggestions to together a longlist of works I consider worth checking out. This helped me narrow my focus for my nominating ballot and give other folks some insight into my process (and help narrowing their lists, too). So here we are. The comments are open, and I want to know:
The 2017 Hugo Awards Reading / Viewing List
As I did last year, I have begun to compile a big massive (and, indeed, very sexy) list of all the books, stories, comics, movies, fans, etc. suggested to me via my recent 2017 Hugo Awards Recommendations form. The following is by no means a comprehensive list, as it is based on suggestions by readers. If something is missing, let me know in the comments. Note #1: I have deliberately excluded my own work from the list, which consists of The Skiffy and Fanty Show in the Best Fancast category. If you think my podcast deserves a nomination this year, then by all means put it on your ballot! The below list is just for all the other things out there 🙂 Note #2: Normally, I try to include links and publisher information for everything. Unfortunately, I ran out of time, and I figured people would rather see the list than wait any longer for me to fill in all the details. I’m not opposed to help with this, though. So, here’s the list:
2017 Hugo Awards Recommendations: What should I read/watch?

2017 is here, and that means it’s time to ask for recommendations for the Hugo Awards. Sadly, I have not been able to read nearly as much from 2016 as I would have liked, so I expect this to be one hell of a reading session for me! So, suggest some things! I’m looking for fiction and non-fiction in every category, pro and amateur artists, films, television shows, and anything else that fits! Use the form below to send your suggestions!
The 2016 Hugo Awards Reading/Watching List (or, My Next Few Months)

Last month, I asked for recommendations for my annual Hugo Awards reading bonanza. A bunch of you responded with books, movies, TV shows, cookbooks, and so on. The form will remain open for the next month or so, so if you haven’t submitted anything or want to submit some more stuff, go for it! So, without further delay, here is the big massive monster list of stuff I’ll be reading or watching for the next few months:
2016 Hugo Awards Recommendations: What should I read/watch?

It’s that time again: time to ask for recommendations for the Hugo Awards. The nomination period will open up soon, and I haven’t done as much reading/watching as I would have liked this year. The only categories I feel comfortable voting in at the moment are Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form), Best Novel, and Best Podcast. That means, as always, there are a lot of gaps. So, this is your chance to let me know what you loved reading or watching this year. To make things a bit more organized, I’ve created a Google form with options for every category. You don’t have to fill the whole thing out to suggest a work. In fact, you can come back to the form as many times as you like. If you want to let me know what you loved in the comments below, you’re free to do that, too. Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Loading…