Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Joy to End Your Evening

I have nothing really to say today. It’s been a long day… So instead of trying to say something interesting about teaching or research or pandemics or nerd stuff, here’s a music video that continues to bring me absolute joy. I hope it brings you joy, too!

Thoughts on Living in Small Towns (Or, Life in Forgotten America)

One of the interesting things about watching the news and politicians in the United States is the way they eventually talk about “small town America.” In a lot of ways, “small town America” is part of American mythology: a story about America that this nation tells its citizens to make us feel connected to something […]

Quickly Ending the Evening with a Picture of a View

The new semester at Bemidji State University started just two weeks ago, and it opened with a brand new view of the lake. Yup. I got a new office! It’s a lot larger than the last one, and I get to look at this every single day: