Weekly Roundup #7: The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America
I’m back with some updates! This week is entirely about podcast-ery stuff, which you should all listen to if you are so inclined. Interviews, politics, and lots of SF/F! Good times… Enough with my introductions… First: Over at SandF, Jen and I have released the actual interview with Stina Leicht, author of And Blue Skies From Pain. We discuss everything from the themes of the novel, issues of nationalism, Irish identity, and much more. If you haven’t read the book, you really should; it’s bloody brilliant. You can listen/download the episode here (or on iTunes). And second: DZDA has officially released five episodes. This doesn’t sound like much of a milestone to most podcasters, but Jen and I are pretty happy about it. Plus, we’re still having fun! Episode Five’s Agenda: The KKK learns how to use the interwebz, pro-lifers don’t actually like life, the supreme court OKs strippin’ granny, China’s chomping at the bit, plus other random stuff we feel like talking about. Plus other random stuff we feel like talking about! You can listen or download the episode here (or on iTunes). We’ve also posted a question for everyone to answer: “Where do you get your news from?” You’ll find our news sources in that post, but we also really want to hear from listeners. Maybe we’ll find something new to listen to! And that’s that… —————————————————— What have you been up to lately? Let me know in the comments.
Weekly Roundup #6: The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America
I’m playing catch-up again. Way too much stuff has happened since the last time I posted a roundup. Articles. Episodes. More articles. More episodes. Phew. So here’s a roundup of all that stuff. First: I’m too far behind on updating you all on stuff going on at The Skiffy and Fanty Show. I can only blame this on laziness, even if I was abducted by alien monkeys the other night… Here’s all the stuff that has gone live on SandF: Guest Post: “Superhero Ethics” by Myke Cole Guest Post: “Tackling Other Cultures in Fiction” by Stina Leicht Episode 94a: An Interview w/ Stina Leicht (a.k.a. Mrs. Irish Cream)(On Urban Fantasy) Episode 93: Defining Urban Fantasy, Plus Doctor Who Companions and Dying American SF Second: A lot of stuff has been going on at my political show too. If you’re interested in progressive politics, with a side of humor, then check out the new stuff up on Duke and Zink Do America: Episode 4 — Trayvon Martin Recap, GOP Budget Woes, School Prayer, and Bunnies “The Race Problem: STFU about the post-racial society; it’s bullshit…“ Episode 5 — Bombing Planned Parenthood, Supreme Strip Searches, the China “Threat,” and More! And that about does it. What have you been up to?
NaPoWriMo: Who’s with me?
I am participating in the National Poetry Writing Month. No, this is not an April Fool’s joke. I am seriously going to write one poem, every single day for all of April. That’s 30 poems. And it’s entirely possible I am going to post them here. John Keats = poetry boss. Worship him. If you’re inclined towards poetry, you should join me. Or not. It’s up to you. But this is what I’m doing this month, on top of all the other crap I have to do (final papers, grading, syllabus creation, etc.). Anywho!
Weekly Roundup #5: Publication! / The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America
It’s time for another roundup of things I’ve got going on elsewhere! First up: Publication! I learned last night that my story, “In the Shadows of the Empire of Coal,” has been accepted into Bruce Bethke’s Stupefying Stories. I don’t know which issue it will appear in yet, but as soon as I do, all you blog readers will know. The story in question is not-quoite-Steampunk. I like to think of it as Coalpunk, although I suppose that technically means Steampunk anyway. But it lacks all the glamour of Steampunk, with a heavy dose of utter weirdness (I like to say it reads like the darker side of Miyazaki, though that’s rather ambitious of me). The contract is on its way. When I get more information, I’ll post about it on my blog! Second: The latest episode of SandF is up. Due to some scheduling conflicts, we had to put together a quick discussion episode on the recent Amazon/Publisher battle and the “problem” of Faith in SF/F. We plow through the topics fairly quickly, but we hope it will produce an interesting conversation. In any case, you can find the episode here. Third: We’ve changed DZDA to a weekly format. The episodes will be shorter as a result. We talk about the change in our 3rd episode. Also on the agenda: “Rush thinks you’re a slut and other GOP anti-women shenanigans, it’s time to bring our soldiers home, proof that white men should not have guns, plus a bunch of other random stuff we feel like talking about.” Give it a listen! More to come from DZDA soon… ——————————————————- And that’s that. What have you been up to lately?
ICFA (International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts): Meet Up?
I will be presenting a paper on Kage Baker’s The House of the Stag at this year’s ICFA conference, which will be my first year of attendance to the SF/F-oriented conference. A lot of big names will be at this conference, and I’m hoping to meet some of them. So, here’s the question: Who will be there and who wants to meet up for dinner or something, where we can discuss all things genre as colleagues in the greatest field in the literary world?
Podcast Updatery (Brief)
Starting today, I’m going to do a kind of “weekly roundup” of things I’m doing elsewhere. Why? Because with The Skiffy and Fanty Show and Duke and Zink Do America in my pocket, there’ll be far too much going on every week to justify posting new things for each of them. 50% of my posts shouldn’t be “hey, here’s a new episode.” So you can expect a roundup of my stuff, with exception here or there to major news (you know, like a publication). And you can also expect me to contribute different stuff here in the future. No idea what that will be, but so be it…