My NASFiC / San Juan 2017 Schedule and Podcast Interviews
I’m going to Puerto Rico! I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it… OK, enough of that… I’ve got good reason to be, too. I’ve never been to Puerto Rico, so the second I found out about it, I bought a membership and began planning. The crazy thing: they gave me a TON to do while I’m there, including running an interview panel with one of my favorite authors: Tobias Buckell! Before I give you my schedule, I do want to remind potential readers and attendees that I’m a podcaster. I run The Skiffy and Fanty Show, and I will be open to recording discussions and interviews at NASFiC. So, if you’re an author, fan, creative type, or whatever and you’d like to be interviewed, hit me up! Alright. Here’s my schedule:
Space Opera Course Update
A few months ago, I asked for input from folks interested in the online space opera course I planned to teach/run at some point during the summer. Many of you gave me some excellent feedback about the form the course should take, the readings, cost, and so on, and so I set out to try to put something together in time for summer 2017. Well, it’s officially summer, and as should be obvious right now, things aren’t exactly put together. And there’s good reason for that.
2016 Hugo Awards Recommendations: What should I read/watch?

It’s that time again: time to ask for recommendations for the Hugo Awards. The nomination period will open up soon, and I haven’t done as much reading/watching as I would have liked this year. The only categories I feel comfortable voting in at the moment are Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form), Best Novel, and Best Podcast. That means, as always, there are a lot of gaps. So, this is your chance to let me know what you loved reading or watching this year. To make things a bit more organized, I’ve created a Google form with options for every category. You don’t have to fill the whole thing out to suggest a work. In fact, you can come back to the form as many times as you like. If you want to let me know what you loved in the comments below, you’re free to do that, too. Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Loading…
Shaun’s Rambles: RSS Feed / iTunes / Stitcher Ahoy!

Just a quick update for folks who have been listening to the Shaun’s Rambles stuff and would like to point their podcatcher to an appropriate feed. You can now subscriber directly to Shaun’s Rambles via the following links (also shown in the sidebar): Podcast-ready RSS Feed iTunes Stitcher As with the previous message, regular programming should begin on Friday. Expect one or two more non-regular posts between now and then!
This is a Test of the Duke Broadcast System
If you are receiving this post, then you are either directly subscribed to my new RSS Feed or Feedburner is correctly redirecting its feed to my new RSS feed. Either way, if you’re seeing this post, everything should be good to go. In the next few days, you may see some old posts pop up. These are hangovers from the move. I’ll delete this post once I’m satisfied that the feeds are working correctly.
On the Hugo Awards: Two Scholarly-ish Projects to Come

As you may well be aware, I am currently working on two projects related to the Hugo Awards. I know I’ve mentioned both of these at some point, though the second is certainly the most visible of these projects. I’m also sure you know that the Hugo Awards have been enormously controversial this year, earning mainstream attention in major newspapers and entertainment sites such as The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, Boing Boing, and so on. That conversation is still happening; one need only look at File 770 to see it.