Giveaway Winners for David Chandler’s Ancient Blades Trilogy!
And the winners for the first two books in the series are: Kevin and shadowflame1974. The winner for the full trilogy is: booksandboston! Congratulations to everyone! You should get an email from me shortly for your addresses. Edit: Kevin needs to contact me because I have no email address for him. arconna[at]yahoo[dot]com. Thanks!
Giveaway Update: The Ancient Blades Trilogy by David Chandler — More Books!
I’ve got some good news! I now have three sets of the first two books in David Chandler’s trilogy up for grabs as a part of the Honor Among Thieves giveaway here. What do this mean? Two lucky winners will receive the first two books in the series: Den of Thieves and A Thief in the Night. One lucky winner will win the entire trilogy. Giveaway details are on this page. So…enter!
Giveaway (Updated!): The Entire Ancient Blades Trilogy by David Chandler
I don’t do giveaways often, so this is a super special post for all you reader types. Update: I now have three sets of the first two books in the trilogy for three lucky entrants! This means that two people will receive the first two books and one person will receive all three! Tell your friends! I’ve got one copy of Honor Among Thieves by David Chandler (book three in the Ancient Blades Trilogy) up for grabs for one luck U.S. reader. Entry is easy: Leave a comment or email me at arconna[at]yahoo[dot]com tell me one thing you like about fantasy novels. Your response need not be long (though more discussion is always welcome). Winners will be chosen at random at 12 PM EST on Dec. 9th, 2011 (that way the publisher can hopefully get the book to you before the end of the month). Here’s a little about the book to get your brain juices flowing: When allies become enemies, to whom can a clever thief turn? Armed with one of seven Ancient Blades, Malden was chosen by Fate to act as savior . . . and failed dismally. And now there is no stopping the barbarian hordes from invading and pillaging the kingdom of Skrae. Suddenly friends and former supporters alike covet the young hero’s magic while seeking his destruction—from the treacherous King and leaders of the City of Ness to the rogue knight Croy, who owes Malden his life. It will take more than Malden’s makeshift army of harlots and cutpurses to preserve a realm. Luckily the sorceress Cythera fights at his side, along with the ingenious, irascible dwarf Slag. And the wily thief still has a desperate and daring plan or two up his larcenous sleeve . . . The first two books in the series are in mass market paperback (available just about anywhere). If you don’t have the first two, you should get them for the holidays and enter anyway!
The Magical Cylinder (of Doom) — Plus a Free Book!
The first one to guess correctly what is inside this cylinder will win a book from me. Something with science fiction and fantasy in it. No joke. Take a wild guess…
And the Winner of Awakenings is…
Mike Maski You’ll get a message from me soon! Actually, since you don’t have an email in your profile, I have no way to contact you. So you’ve got 48 hours to send me an email to arconna[at]yahoo[dot]com with your address! Thanks to all those who entered. Better luck next time!
Book Giveaway: Awakenings by Edward Lazellari
I have an extra copy of Edward Lazellari’s novel (from Tor) to give away to one lucky reader. The competition is open to U.S. residents only (unless you want to chip in a couple bucks via Paypal to help cover shipping). Before I get to the book information, here’s how to enter: Leave a comment saying something other than “please enter me” or “give me the book” or whatever. Say something amusing or dumb or goofy or funny. I don’t care what it is so long as you do something other than tell me you want the book. Simple? Good. You can also improve your chances by doing any of the following (+1 for each): Share this post on Twitter (use @shaunduke in the tweet), Google + (link it), Facebook (link it), blog about it (link it), or put it up on any other social network or service (just give me a link). That’s it! The giveaway ends on Oct. 2nd, 2011. Winners will be chosen at random and announced on Oct. 3rd, 2011. Now for the book stuff. Here’s the cover synopsis: Cal MacDonnell is a happily married New York City cop with a loving family. Seth Raincrest is a washed-up photographer who has alienated even his closest friends. The two have nothing in common—except that they both suffer from retrograde amnesia. It’s as if they just appeared out of thin air thirteen years ago, and nothing has been able to restore their memories. Now their forgotten past has caught up to them with a vengeance. Cal’s and Seth’s lives are turned upside down as they are stalked by otherworldly beings who know about the men’s past lives. But these creatures aren’t here to help; they’re intent on killing anyone who gets in their way. In the balance hangs the life of a child who might someday restore a broken empire to peace and prosperity. With no clue why they’re being hunted, Cal and Seth must accept the aid of a strange and beautiful woman who has promised to unlock their secrets. The two must stay alive long enough to protect their loved ones, recover their true selves—and save two worlds from tyranny and destruction. Awakenings launches a captivating fantasy saga by an amazing and talented new storyteller. Ben Bova also says it’s a good book, according to his cover blurb.