The 2016 Hugo Awards Reading/Watching List (or, My Next Few Months)

Last month, I asked for recommendations for my annual Hugo Awards reading bonanza. A bunch of you responded with books, movies, TV shows, cookbooks, and so on. The form will remain open for the next month or so, so if you haven’t submitted anything or want to submit some more stuff, go for it! So, without further delay, here is the big massive monster list of stuff I’ll be reading or watching for the next few months:
2016 Hugo Awards Recommendations: What should I read/watch?

It’s that time again: time to ask for recommendations for the Hugo Awards. The nomination period will open up soon, and I haven’t done as much reading/watching as I would have liked this year. The only categories I feel comfortable voting in at the moment are Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form), Best Novel, and Best Podcast. That means, as always, there are a lot of gaps. So, this is your chance to let me know what you loved reading or watching this year. To make things a bit more organized, I’ve created a Google form with options for every category. You don’t have to fill the whole thing out to suggest a work. In fact, you can come back to the form as many times as you like. If you want to let me know what you loved in the comments below, you’re free to do that, too. Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Loading…
Shaun’s Rambles 009: On the #HugoAwards and #SadPuppies

The Hugos are over, but the controversy isn’t over. In this episode, I talk about the results of the 2015 Hugo Awards and how the Sad Puppies have irreparably harmed whatever good message they had. It’s not an exhaustive discussion, but it’s one I wanted to start while I had time. If you want to learn more about what is going on, here are few useful links:–OnTheHugoAwardsAndSadPuppies.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
On Brad Torgersen’s Straw Man Left

If I could have a nickel for every time a Sad/Rabid Puppy used a straw man version of the left to defend unethical behavior, I’d probably be a lot less broke than I already am. Alas, straw man arguments don’t come with free nickels. Instead, they come with a headache.
Shaun’s Rambles 008: On Lou Antonelli and Sasquan

In this episode, I talk about Lou Antonelli, his efforts to report David Gerrold to the police, and Sasquan’s response. If you want to learn more about what is going on, here are few useful links:–OnLouAntonelliAndSasquan.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Shaun’s Rambles 001: The Gallo Conspiracy and Trial By Fire

…in which I begin a podcast of random thoughts had while driving home from work. In this edition: Some thoughts on the controversy over Irene Gallo’s statements about the Sad / Rabid Puppies Some thoughts on Trial By Fire by Charles Gannon and the absence of sf/f awards for adventure fiction Enjoy the rambles. You can download the mp3 directly from this link or stream the episode below.–TheGalloConspiracyAndTrialByFire.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS