Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

The Kindle Two: Audio Controversy or Industry Stupidity?

No release of a new and improved version of an already powerful piece of technology would be as interesting without a little controversy. Apparently the Authors Guild is upset about the new Kindle’s text-to-speech feature, claiming that it could “undermine the market for audio books” (Associated Press). The Wall Street Journal has a bit more […]

Book News: Realms of Fantasy, the Kindle Two, and Magazine Woes

Here are a few big stories for today: Kindle 2.0Apparently the new Kindle has been revealed (CNET has the story). The prognosis is good, but not great. While it has a lot of new features, there aren’t any features, according to CNET, that make the Kindle Two more appealing to the mainstream market. I have […]

Otherism: The Dissection of Humanity and the Human in Science Fiction Film

The title is a mouthful, but represents the core idea behind the research project for which I received a monetary grant from UC Santa Cruz. Given that, I give my the proposal for my research project: What is the human? What does it mean to be human? These are questions that motivate many, if not […]

RIP: Michael Crichton

Bloomberg.com recently announced the Michael Crichton has passed away (I didn’t even know he had cancer, which is probably true of a lot of people). He was only 66. You all might remember him from things like Jurassic Park or Congo. He will be missed and my heart goes out to his family. (Don’t click […]

Graphic Novels and Novels Are Not the Same

I’m sorry to say it, but even though it hurts that a book that deserves to be on a bestseller list doesn’t get there, if it doesn’t belong in the same category as the other books on that list, then it shouldn’t belong on that list at all. Over at Suvudu this was a point […]

Books as Sculpture

I just stumbled upon this post about sculptures and art pieces made out of books. This is absolutely crazy! Like the below example:Cool huh? Check out the rest of the stuff there!