Adam’s First Pro-Sale — “Resolution” — Congrats, Buddy!

In the interest in plugging things for friends, I would like to point you all to my friend Adam’s first ever pro publication over at AE!  The story is called “Resolution,” the publication of which Adam has to thank me, since I critiqued the hell out of it.  Or maybe I’m exaggerating my involvement… In […]

An Amazing(ly Poignant) Gift

One of my friends from England recently tried to send me a present thinking it was my birthday (this was a month or so back).  It obviously hasn’t been my birthday since October, but I’ll never say no to presents.  There were some concerns over the chocolate in the package, as they are banned by […]

Top 6 SF/F Soundtracks of 2010

Last year was by far one of the best years for movie soundtracks, not just in terms of “good music,” but also in terms of experimentation on the part of composers (as some of my choices below will show).  The year prior, of course, was a good year too, but 2010 really grabbed me, with […]

A Random Amusing Thing Involving Lizards

Lizard shadow puppets.  (After the fold.) What?  I’m a shadow.  Got a problem with that? Look!  I moved.  It’s like magic. This is what happens on a sunny Saturday when it seems like nothing interesting will happen:  a lizard puts on a show, unaware that someone is watching.  Lizards are like that, though.

Meme: Every Frakking Animated Movie Ever Made (Almost)

I stole this from Andrew Wheeler, who stole it from someone else.  Should be fun! All the animated movies in the world, sort of: – X what you saw – O what you haven’t finished/seen or saw sizable portions – Bold what you loved – Italicize what you disliked/hated – Leave unchanged if neutral (I’ve […]