Quick Movie Reviews (2009): Volume Three
Well, my good friend GeorgeMichael has seen quite a few movies this year and he was kind enough to write up these quickie reviews. And with that, here they are: AdventurelandPros: A quirky, charming coming-of-age film about a college grad who has to take a summer job to be able to pay for his New York Grad School and misses out on a Europe trip that he can no longer afford. The nostalgic eighties vibe has good intentions and warms you up inside as well as these well written and perfectly cast characters do.Cons: Drags a bit for a while, with a slightly predictable plot. Could have shaved off about fifteen minutes, but overall the movie was well acted and proved to be entertaining and induced enough chuckles to be well worth the ticket.Rating: 4/5 Yes ManPros: Jim Carrey is back in his insane vibe which still, after all these years, hasn’t lost its entire magic spark. Carrey and co star Zooey Deschanel light up the screen with their oddball characters and enough jokes are thrown our way that many are bound to make us laugh out loud at least once. If this is the beginning of a new wave of Carrey movies it’s off to a fine start.Cons: A predictable plot and semi weak premise make this film a bit too obvious to really immerse yourself in it. The gags are great and the acting above expectations, but nothing is entirely surprising or shocking. The movie never really elevates above “safe” comedy and as such comes out as a funny, but routine movie.Rating: 3/5 Miss MarchPros: I apologize, and swear to readers that this will hopefully never happen again, but I can’t think of a single damn thing.Cons: The acting is horrendous, the plot and characters outrageously insipid, and the gags so juvenile that the entire movie barely elicited a single chuckle from my throat. Quite possibly a movie so bad that it rates among the worst of the century and easily on par with Disaster Movie and it’s predecessors.Rating: .5/5 Marley and MePros: An adorable puppy love movie based on a best selling book with two great actors cast as the leads. Although the movie is told from Owen Wilson’s point of view this really is Marley’s movie and the Labrador does not disappoint. The movie is sweet and funny when it needs to be, and outrageously cute when it chooses. All charm leads up to the inevitable end which drew tears to me and all my friend’s eyes. Ironically the girls in our group showed no signs of emotion which settles the argument as to why it is called man’s best friend.Cons: The movie is predictable, unfortunately, and can run a bit slow during its runtime but two hours of well done sappiness is better than anything you’re likely to get these days. Marley and Me is a joy to watch and a pain to endure afterwards. Rating: 4.5/5 Paul Blart: Mall CopPros: Kevin James certainly proved he can carry a movie on his own with this funny flick about a security guard whose mall gets taken over by hostile, bike riding terrorists. This is a light fluff movie that will most likely leave you smiling so it has that going for it.Cons: The acting is acceptable and the gags passable as well. Nothing in this movie truly shines above average. You don’t leave this movie quoting anything or wanting to discuss it at all. You see it and then you forget it, it’s simple as that. The plot is predictable and it’s all very mediocre.Rating: 2/5 And there you go! There are some more quickie reviews coming up. Hope these help you find something to watch in the upcoming weeks!
Show Review: Dollhouse (Ep. 2)
The second episode of Dollhouse was released last Friday and I have a few thoughts. Firstly, I’m not giving up on the show just yet, but there are certainly some serious things working against it. Whedon is a brilliant storyteller, there’s no doubt about that, but Dollhouse is suffering from something I’d like to call “sitcom-ism.” The story is developing slowly, at best, and the episodes thus far feel disconnected from one another when, for a show of this type, they should be following a noticeable plot-arc. The first episode was a throw-away, one which Whedon and the producers could toss out there to establish the central idea and let us know what is going on. The problem, however, is that the first episode shouldn’t have been a throw-away. Whatever the FOX folks did to the first episode may have irreparably damaged the Dollhouse franchise. The second episode probably should have been the first, because what it did was bring in an interesting story that, quite frankly, should have been a part of the whole idea in the first place. What happens when a company that imprints memories gets a glitch in the system and one of it’s “products” goes haywire? Well, the answer to that is more interesting than the questions posed in the first episode; and that is the problem. Dollhouse, essentially, is suffering from a problem of disconnection, where the episodes have connections that seem forced rather than fluid. Story lines that should be highlighted are given undeserved lesser treatment; the second episode pretty much established the first as a pointless waste of space. Yeah, we got to meet Echo and a couple of important characters, but now the story is conflicted by the disconnection between the Echo story and everything else. Whedon tried to bring them together, but thus far it isn’t working. I want the Alpha story (the rogue doll) to become more important, but as of right now, it isn’t. It’s there to add back story and conflict that isn’t conflict at all. Perhaps I’m being harsh about Dollhouse, but I feel somewhat cheated at this point by Whedon. Firefly was brilliant: it never failed to highlight the important parts, or the most interesting parts. But Dollhouse isn’t Firefly. It is missing something that Firefly had: charm and cohesiveness. I’m not ready to give up on it yet, though. I’m hoping that the third episode will resolve some of the problems I see. I know sometimes it can take a while for a good show to come into its own. Perhaps that is what is happening here. To be honest, I think that Dollhouse could have benefited from a two-hour opener, much like Firefly seemed to benefit when seen on DVD. Generally I hate those two-hour deals, but I think it’s possible it would work here. What thoughts do you have on this? What do you think about Dollhouse?
Show Review: Dollhouse (Ep. 1)
I was skeptical of Dollhouse, not because of Whedon (I’m a huge Firefly fan), but because it’s science fiction television on a network station (FOX). FOX has done a fine job destroying good science fiction shows for a while, and even killing a few that weren’t great, but still deserved to have a good run. Then, of course, there’s the fact that I find the vast majority of television in general to be mediocre at best, including some shows folks have praised as great. (Minor spoilers ahead, although, to be honest, if you’re at all interested in this show and haven’t seen the first ep., then you probably already know what I’m going to talk about) Dollhouse, I think, is a show with an enormous amount of potential. The first episode does a fine job establishing all the major elements Whedon wants us to know about. The Dollhouse is a facility where people are implanted with personalities to perform tasks (called “engagements”) and where, once finished, these same people are essentially wiped of those implants and returned to the facility where they are monitored and kept in relative bliss–free massages, free healthcare, and presumably free happy time. Echo (Dushku) is our protagonist, whose reasons for coming to the facility are, as of yet, not clear (I get the impression that she did something bad, but this could be twisted in so many ways based on the introductory moments). On one particular mission, Echo begins having flashbacks of something she witnessed back at the Dollhouse and flashbacks from the personality she has been implanted with. This, of course, raises a lot of questions about the memory-wiping/implanting process and the facility in general. Underneath all this there are several subplots: A detective (Penikett) investigating the existence of the Dollhouse (who seems somewhat, well, obsessed?). The conflict between Echo’s handler (Lennix) and the director (Williams) of the Dollhouse. It’s hard to say for certain whether I truly like this show based on one episode. As of now, I am excited to see what Dollhouse has in store for me. It could turn out to be my replacement for Battlestar Galactica, a show that is inches away from ending and subsequently turning my life back to the TV-less boredom it once was. Perhaps Dollhouse will become the next great science fiction show, or perhaps FOX will kill it like they did Firefly. What I can say about the first episode is that it is expertly crafted. Transitions are smooth, the acting is on par, the characters are interesting, the concept is fascinating and well drawn (leaving out a few things to make sure there’s plenty of twists and turns later), and overall it’s beautifully written. Some part of me also wanted there to be more of the creep-factor in the Dollhouse. Don’t get me wrong, it’s somewhat of a creepy-everyone-is-the-same place, but I think Whedon could have stepped a little farther into the darkness of this entire concept. After all, the inhabitants of the Dollhouse, with the exception of the staff, are essentially slaves. Short of them going schizo on us, they’re stuck there and could technically be kept there indefinitely without knowing about any of it. That’s somewhat terrifying and it will be interesting to learn whether the Dollhouse is really all that secret, or if there’s something darker underneath that we haven’t learned about. On the critical side of things, I think the first episode did leave a little to be desired, and that stems from having a bit much going on and not enough of a bang. True, I loved the concept and I was intrigued and entertained, but I suspect that Dollhouse’s future will depend on whether it can capture the vast majority of fans who aren’t necessarily interested in science fiction that is “thoughtful.” This isn’t meant to be an insult to those fans, but it does explain why Battlestar Galactica does not have the massive ratings it deserves; television viewers tend to want a bit more action or comedy (and this is based on the vast majority of stuff that seems to show up on TV these days). My verdict is that this show is worth sticking with for now. I’m not on the fence about this, but I do have to reserve some of my judgment until I have seen two or three episodes. Episode two is coming soon and we’ll see if Dollhouse can keep me interested, or if it will lose me like Legend of the Seeker did. If you haven’t seen the episode already, go to Hulu and check it out. Edit: I’ve added some bits to this review, primarily because I’ve had some different opinions swim into my head after letting things sit for a while. If you liked this post, please stumble it, buzz it, tweet it, leave a comment, etc. Thanks for reading!
Show Review: Stream Episode One
I’ve been fascinated by the push for web-based television shows (not web-extensions of TV shows, but original works placed on the web in small 3-5 minute episodes). The recent incarnation is Whoopi Goldberg vehicle Stream. The show has only one episode up at the moment, which is the one I’m reviewing, but the description of the show is quite intriguing: Thanks to a drug she took when she was seventeen, moments from various points in Jodi’s life become intertwined, effectively letting her experience two moments at once.Jodi has spoken with her future husband; she’s visited the psychiatric ward where she will reside in her twenties, and she has come face to face with a vision that will haunt her throughout her life.Ultimately, Stream is about a woman who spends a lifetime wrestling with her personal demons, and gathering the strength to face her worst fears.Stream snaps back and forth through three phases of Jodi’s life: her past as an intelligent but headstrong teen; her present in a psychiatric facility, and her future as an adult clinging to a normal life after years of tribulation.The story unfolds in and around New York City, as we travel with Jodi from the wealthy suburban home of her youth to the nebulous world of an institution, and the unforgiving streets of the South Bronx. The first episode of this mind-bending psycho-thriller clocks in at three minutes and thirty seconds, but immediately establishes, or tries to at least, the basic premise: that Jodi can experience time as if it were stationary; she can experience her past and her future together.The production quality is decent and thankfully aims for a more minimalist approach than a clouded CG-infested approach. It also seems like this is a series that is well cast, what with Whoopi Goldberg at the head and a collection of unknown, but seemingly capable actors and actresses supporting her.I should say that I’m a Whoopi fan. I don’t know why, but I enjoy Goldberg’s movies. Stream is, for me, another of her projects I intend to stick with. It’s hard to judge this series effectively on one episode, but after seeing it I can say that I am interested. I want to know more about Jodi, about how she ended up the way she is, and where she will end up when this is all over.Give the first episode a look and let me know what you think. It’s only a few minutes out of your day and you might find yourself as interested as I am in the end.
Quick Movie Reviews (2009): Volume Two
And, for your viewing pleasure, another batch of quick movie reviews, including one that is still in theatres! Enjoy: The Tale of DespereauxPros: An adorable children’s movie with cute mice and even cute rats. Despereaux is about as cute as Nemo from Pixar-vehicle Finding Nemo. Once the film gets rolling, things really set into place and it becomes an entertaining and thoughtful visualization of madness and the need for forgiveness (but in a lighter manner, not ram-morality-down-your-throat). Overall a good film, although if you children are easily disturbed, consider something else. Someone dies in the beginning (no blood, just a rather humorous death, a la the Frog King in Shrek 3).Cons: The beginning, while chronologically consistent, unhinged the flow of the film. The first two major sections should have been switched for a better, more cohesive film. Perhaps they were keeping with the book. Also, for some reason the very beginning did not feel real enough, i. e. the voices didn’t seem to fit the characters. This levels out soon enough, though. Some more explanation about certain aspects of the mouse and rat worlds could have helped, I think.Rating: 3.5/5 Death RacePros: Brilliant visuals. Almost no CG at all, which I think is something other film makers should be paying attention to. A testament to the fact that you can make a beautiful film without sticking computer visuals into every scene. Rather interesting concept–not an original one, though–and a set of entertaining fist fights and car “chases.”Cons: The ending left something to be desired. I think it came too quick or it seemed too easy, like there wasn’t a lot of thought in it.Rating: 3/5 Jesus CampPros: Depending on how you visualize the purpose of this film, the overall effect is that of terror. This film is frakking horrifying. If you want to see how religion can turn into child abuse, then watch this film.Cons: I think a film that tried to have a more direct purpose would have proven more interesting to the masses. This film doesn’t do much other than show you what is going on in fundamentalist Christian homes. True, what it shows you is disgusting and morally reprehensible, but if it had tried to infuse history, politics, and other aspects in a more meaningful way, I think the film could have been better.Rating: 1/5 or 4/5 (depends on the purpose: if it’s propaganda for the Right, then the first score, if it’s an attempt to show the insanity of fundamentalist Christianity, then the second one) ReligulousPros: Absolutely brilliant. Maher is known for his vocal criticisms of religion and it doesn’t stop here. This film, however, is not meant entirely as a criticism of religion, but as a Q&A for those that don’t know. The problem is that some groups of religious people do not like to be questioned, even if they’re honest questions about faith, the truth of the Bible, etc. I’m surprised he got some of the interviews he got and I applaud him for sitting down and calmly asking people questions (to which he generally doesn’t get any good answers for).Cons: I think the religious will have a hard time stomaching this film. The problem is that Maher isn’t afraid to crap jokes about religion or to ask questions that to the skeptic seem easy, but to the highly religious seem impossible or, in a lot of cases, as a direct challenge to their faith.Rating: 5/5 Burn After ReadingPros: A clever play on the CIA, blackmail, desperate figures, and pathetic wannabes. This is also one of two movies that I actually liked John Malkovich in (the other was Conair), which is a plus. He’s actually expertly cast here, along with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and others. This isn’t a laugh-out-loud comedy, as far as I am concerned, but a different sort of comedy, a la Sideways.Cons: Might be a little dark for some. Don’t watch this if you like idiot comedy (Scary Movie, Disaster Movie, Meet the Spartans). The comedy here is intended to be either subtle or clever (and dark). If you like that sort of thing, I think you will enjoy this one. I think the film could also have done with the one gory scene, as it almost lost me from the comedy (the character could have gotten shot without the need for a lot of blood).Rating: 4/5
Quick Movie Reviews (2009): Volume One
And, to start off the new year in movie reviews, I’ve got the first volume of my quick movie reviews feature! Enjoy! Aliens vs. Predator 2Pros: It’s aliens and predators in the same movie. That’s all I’ve got. Seriously.Cons: Crappy story, crappy use of franchise characters, crappy acting, crappy everything. Basically the only thing that went right for this one was the first three things in the title: Aliens vs. Predator. The “2” is even a bad thing in this one.Rating: 1/5 House BunnyPros: Entertaining for stupid people.Cons: Vapid, vacuous, pointless. You could choose a number of words to describe this piece of trash. It’s not funny, it’s poorly put together, poorly acted, and it made me lose respect for a lot of actors/actresses I actually liked. At least when Colin Hanks was in Orange County it was funny. I hope this isn’t an example of the dying out of one’s career, because I happen to like Colin Hanks, and Anna Faris.Rating: 1/5 Babylon A.D. (theatrical version)Pros: A really fascinating idea set in a twisted and equally fascinating world. Great cast and beautiful special effects. Entertaining and interesting.Cons: The studio forced them to cut the hell out of this could-have-been-brilliant SF film. The ending shows you where they hit it the hardest. Some of the action in it is somewhat pointless and I think this film could have done with another 45 minutes of showing us this frakked up future Earth. The most important things were left out, which failed to give a good foundation of the rules of this imagined future.Rating: 2.5/5 Mutant ChroniclesPros: The trailer was really cool and the visuals are stunning. A good idea–an alternate timeline where humans have broken off into huge factions at constant war with one another over resources accidentally unleash a trapped, wicked machine from long ago.Cons: Bad acting and way too much exposition in the first 30 minutes (we don’t find out who the heroes on until about 25 minutes in and by then we don’t give a crap). Watching Ron Perlman attempt to be an Irish priest (at least I think it’s Irish) was like trying to watch Michael Jackson act normal. The makers of this movie took a neat idea and then ran all over the place with it, making it seem like they didn’t know what kind of film they wanted to make. Biggest disappointment of 2008.Rating: 1/5 Quantum of SolacePros: Entertaining, violent, and somewhat dark. I like the direction they are going with this and Daniel Craig is an interesting Bond. Of course, if you pay closer attention to the movie it’s a clear visualization of colonial authority as directed by the “company.” American Imperialism at its best, I’m sure. The bad guy wasn’t as creepy this time around.Cons: Not as solid as the first Craig incarnation. It lacked some depth to bring all the characters into focus (the new ones, that is).Rating: 3/5 There you go!