Shaun’s Rambles 011: Michael R. Underwood (Interviewing the Fans)

What makes Mike Underwood tick? What did he read when he was a kid? What inspired him to become a member of QUEST and invade the Free Worlds of the Noble and Benevolent Multidimensional Imperium? I try to get to the bottom of some of these questions in an interview with the infamous figure! I hope you enjoy it! Some useful links:–InterviewingTheFans–MikeUnderwood.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Shaun’s Rambles 010: On C.L. Moore’s Judgment Night and Gender Violence

Space opera attacks! It’s been three weeks since I started teaching my space opera course, and I already have far too much to talk about! In this edition, I take a look at the first half of C.L. Moore’s Judgment Night and the interesting ways in which I and my students read gender violence into some of the early scenes. I hope you enjoy it! Some useful links:–OnC.l.MooresJudgmentNight.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Shaun’s Rambles 007: On Teaching Science Fiction — The Reading List

How do I select what I teach in my science fiction courses?–OnTeachingScienceFiction–TheReadingList.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Shaun’s Rambles: RSS Feed / iTunes / Stitcher Ahoy!

Just a quick update for folks who have been listening to the Shaun’s Rambles stuff and would like to point their podcatcher to an appropriate feed. You can now subscriber directly to Shaun’s Rambles via the following links (also shown in the sidebar): Podcast-ready RSS Feed iTunes Stitcher As with the previous message, regular programming should begin on Friday. Expect one or two more non-regular posts between now and then!
Shaun’s Rambles 004: Interviewing the Fans — Paul Weimer

…in which I continue this podcast thing on my new website by talking to Paul Weimer about how he became an sf/f fan. In this episode:–InterviewingTheFans–PaulWeimer.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Shaun’s Rambles 003: On Negative Reviews and Their Value

…in which I talk about things some people don’t want to write. In this edition:–OnNegativeReviewsAndTheirValue.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS