Shaun’s Rambles 002: The Value of Book Reviews and Dark Orbit by Carolyn Ives Gilman

…in which I continue a podcast of random thoughts had while driving home from work. In this edition:–TheValueOfBookReviewsAndDarkOrbit.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Shaun’s Rambles 001: The Gallo Conspiracy and Trial By Fire

…in which I begin a podcast of random thoughts had while driving home from work. In this edition: Some thoughts on the controversy over Irene Gallo’s statements about the Sad / Rabid Puppies Some thoughts on Trial By Fire by Charles Gannon and the absence of sf/f awards for adventure fiction Enjoy the rambles. You can download the mp3 directly from this linkĀ or stream the episode below.–TheGalloConspiracyAndTrialByFire.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Around the Podosphere: Shoot the WISB Review of Elysium
I’ve been wildly anticipating the next Neill Blomkamp film for a long while. Now it’s finally here, and I’ve joined David Annandale and Paul Weimer to talk about it in the current episode of Shoot the WISB. Go check it out after you see the movie yourself! You might also like to check out some other episodes over at The Skiffy and Fanty Show, including these: An Interview w/ Michael J. Martinez (author of The Daedalus Incident) Torture Cinema Meets Transformers (2007)
Around the Pod-o-Sphere: Shoot the WISB on Pacific Rim
Over at The Skiffy and Fanty Show, I’m joined by David Annandale, Paul Weimer, and Michael R. Underwood to discuss Guillermo Del Toro’s wonderful giant robit epic, Pacific Rim. The podcast is not spoiler free, so if you want to see the movie before you hear what we think about it, save the podcast for later. In short, we all really liked the movie and recommend everyone see it in theaters as soon as possible. Anywhoodles!
Things Happening Now: World War Z, Shoot the WISB, and Women Authors
What’s going on over at the Skiffy and Fanty compound? Quite a lot, actually! First up, authors Emma Newman and Susan Bigelow joined the S&F crew to talk about science fiction and fantasy by women. I quite enjoyed the direction we went after listing some of our favorite female authors, especially since we covered things like how reading influences writing and so on. Lastly, the most recent episode of Shoot the WISB has hit the web. This time, I’m joined by David Annandale and Jen Bosier for a discussion of World War Z. The episode contains a lot of spoilers, so save it for later if you intend to see the movie. And that’s what’s going on over at the S&F compound. Go DL the episodes and enjoy!
Shoot the WISB #02: Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Reviewed w/ Paul Weimer and Jay Garmon
Spoiler Alert: the following podcast contains spoilers for the film being reviewed; if you wish to see the film without having it ruined for you, download this podcast and save it for later. Paul Weimer (website / twitter) and Jay Garmon (website / twitter) join me to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of J.J. Abrams’ second installment in the Star Trek film reboot. Feel free to offer your thoughts in the comments below. You can download or stream the mp3 from this link.