Shoot the WISB #01: Prometheus (2012) Reviewed w/ Paul Weimer

Spoiler Alert:  the following podcast contains spoilers for the film being reviewed; enjoy at your own risk (or something like that). Paul Weimer was kind enough to spend a little time with me talking about the release of Ridley Scott’s long-anticipated Alien prequel, Prometheus.  If you’ve seen the film and want to offer your two cents, feel free to do so in the comments. You can download or stream the mp3 from this link.

Weekly Roundup #4: The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America

Here’s everything going on with me on my other sites of note: We’ve just released our double-slam Torture Cinema feature, in which Jen and I reviewed New Moon and Eclipse one after another…while drinking.  The second piece of that, Torture Cinema Meets Eclipse, can be found here.  Lots to listen to, no? I’ve had one more column over at Duke and Zink Do America entitled “LGBT Shuffle:  Kirk Cameron’s Sad Little Feelings.”  Feel free to head over and leave a comment of your own. Anywho!

Weekly Roundup #3: The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America

Yet another roundup of all the things I’ve got going on elsewhere.  Enjoy! Over at The Skiffy and Fanty Show, we cover the hype surrounding J. K. Rowling’s new adult novel, the abuse of Seanan McGuire by readers (and the stupid things publishers do that hurt authors), the power of science fiction, plus a few silly related topics (including an embarrassing moment for Duke, who lives in an alternate universe of plurals).  You can check out that episode here. You should also check out the latest Torture Cinema episode, in which Jen and I review Twilight:  New Moon while drinking alcohol.  In short:  it should be amusing! We’ve also got a random ? of the Week, in which we ask you about SF/F books that made you cry. Go leave your answer on the blog. And: Over at Duke and Zink Do America I have a few articles up about various topics.  There won’t be a third episode of the podcast until I return, but you should be able to enjoy the following: “The Right to Women:  Your Body Are Belong to Us“ “Dear GOP:  Keep Your Hands Off My Penis (or, What Do You Think About All This Crap?)“ “Feminist Corner:  Rush Limbaugh’s Non-Apology“ “Episode Delay:  #3 to Come Next Week Due to Vacation“ Enjoy!

Weekly Roundup #2: The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America

This week, Tobias S. Buckell joins us on the show to talk about his latest book, Arctic Rising, the environment, technology (green and otherwise), and a load of other fantastic stuff. You can check out the episode here. And… Over at Duke and Zink Do America there’s a new column asking whether Star Trek is conservative, liberal, or progressive.  I know, right?  Who would have thought that my genre interests would bleed over into my political world?  Ha!  In any case, go leave a comment with your opinions! There’s also a brand new episode of the podcast.  The Agenda: Syrians are still getting screwed, Gingrich writes a wiki, Arizona is rated G for GOP, Trotta expects to get raped, and Santorum smears. Plus: Jen goes on a rant about naughty things and we cover two funny moments in the political landscape.  You can check out that episode here!

Weekly Roundup: The Skiffy and Fanty Show / Duke and Zink Do America

This is the first in my weekly roundups of stuff I’m doing elsewhere.  Here goes: In last week’s episode, Jen and I interviewed Michael Sullivan, author of The Riyria Revelations series.  The conversation wandered from publishing to reviews to fantasy to anti-heroes to the wickedness of dwarves (and, of course, the novels).  You can check out the episode here. This week’s episode is a long discussion with Liz Bourke about LGBT discrimination in publishing, SF/F books for the ladyfolk (whatever that means), history from the classical period (with a little medieval history for good measure), and SF/F in the global sphere (and the women on the margins therein).  You can check out that episode here. And: The first Duke and Zink Do America column is a dialogue between Jen and I on the subject of the U.N. security council and the recent veto by China and Russia of its proposed public condemnation of Syria.  Feel free to head over, read what we have to say, and offer your two cents!

SandF #85 (Interview w/ Myke Cole) is Live!

The latest episode of The Skiffy and Fanty Show is yet another reason why we’re totally awesome.  No, we don’t have an ego.  Promise. #85 should be fairly obvious based on the title.  Myke Cole comes on the show to talk about Shadow Ops:  Control Point, his latest novel, and topics such as:  the military, the fantasy genre, sexy romances, random pop-culture references, and much more! Here it is.  Listen or nothing bad will happen to you.