Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Poll Results: How do you feel about book bannings?

The poll has been over for a while now, but I haven’t had time to take it down and replace it with a new one yet (or present the results to all of you).  So, without further delay, here are the results are: 81.25% said that book bannings are “pure evil.” 18.75% said that book […]

New Poll: How do you feel about book bannings?

I thought it would be nice to have a poll about book bannings, since that’s what everyone has been talking about for the past week. So, how do you feel about book bannings?  You can leave your answer on the poll, which you can find on the left sidebar, or you can leave a detailed […]

Poll Results: Which eReader is the best on the market today?

A few weeks ago I put up a poll about eReaders to see what you all thought were the best on the market.  Now for the results: 27% said the B&N Nook 53% said the Amazon Kindle 7% said the Sony Reader 13% said the iPad 0% said the Cruz Reader, the Kobo, and Mobiles […]

New Poll: Which eReader do you think is the best on the market today?

I’ve put up another poll for you all to vote on.  This time around, I want to know which eReader you think is the best available on the market today.  The list includes the Nook, the Kindle 3, the Sony Reader, the iPad, the Cruz Reader, the Kobo, and the various mobile devices folks are using […]