Calling All Readers: Help Me Name My Pet Fern!

I brought a new friend home with me today. It’s a Boston fern (I think). A friend of a friend decided to dig one up out of the latter friend’s yard after hearing me talk about how I was thinking of getting a plant for my apartment. Now I have one, and I want your help.I want to name my fern. So, here’s what you can do. In the comments for this post, suggest one name you would give this fern. Only one. I will only count the first name you give, so don’t name twelve or thirteen. Think of some clever, unusual, bizarre, or downright hilarious names, because I want it to be unique (although if you wanted to name it Bill, I would be fine with that, because it’s funny and dry). Then, once the poll I have running on the left has ended, I’ll start up a new poll with a list of the names and let you all vote! Whichever name gets the most votes wins. Sounds easy enough, right? So, have at it! P.S.: In the event that there are too many names to put on one poll, I’ll run a series of polls in a semifinals sort of fashion and put the best choices in the final poll. Hopefully that won’t happen, but just in case.

Poll: What is your favorite genre?

It’s time for a new poll! On the left side there you’ll see a little box where you can vote (science fiction, fantasy, horror, or other). I want to know what your favorite genre is. If you want to tell me why, feel free to leave a comment here. Otherwise, the anonymity of voting on my polls should be fun enough. So, what is your favorite genre?

Poll Results: What gender are you?

A huge thanks to all of you who participated in the poll. I appreciate it. Forty-five of you voted, which is a good chunk of the readers here. The results are as follows, with a few comments from me afterwards: Female: 22 (48%) Male: 17 (37%) Other: 6 (13%) Now, I’m going to assume that the six who say they identied as “Other” weren’t messing around and actually do not identify as either gender. If that is so, then I find that very interesting, because I had no idea that any of my readership were from that community. Welcome to the site! As for the rest: It seems that “Male” and “Female” are fairly close, with the ladies beating out the men by about 10%. I’m okay with that, but it is an interesting thing to consider, because I figured that I would be of significantly more interest to male readers than women. A silly assumption, obviously, but it just never occurred to me that my blog would be of interest to so many women. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. I am quite happy about that, and it has taught me a valuable little lesson–don’t make assumptions about how I might be perceived by others. That said, I should note that the margin of error based on the population and sample size for the poll is about +/- 13.78%, so it’s entirely possible that all of the figures above are completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things (I found out the margin of error here). The cool thing about the Internet is that it has taught me how large of a sample size I would need before the margin of error would be small enough to make polls like this produce accurate results (less than +/- 5%). That number? 200. I don’t know if I’ll ever get that many people to vote on a poll here so long as I’m around… In any case, thanks again to everyone who volunteered their information, anonymous as it was. I appreciate it and hope you’ll vote again in the future. More polls are certainly to come. Anywho!

Poll and Giveaway Reminder

There’s only one more day left to vote before the poll I’m running on the left sidebar ends. If you haven’t popped in and given your vote yet, I’d appreciate it if you could. Right now the numbers are about even between male and female. I’m hoping that is representative of my actual readership, but having more votes could definitely solidify the results. So, please come onto the main site and take two seconds to click an option on the poll on the left. Thanks! Also, for those that haven’t entered yet, I am giving away three copies of Darren Shan’s new adult dark urban fantasy novel, Procession of the Dead. The giveaway is here and it’s really easy to enter. Anywho!

Poll: Gender Breakdown (Still Need Votes!)

Dear Readers (that’s you!), I’ve had about thirty of you vote on my poll about the gender of those who read this blog, but I could definitely use some more. There’s about a week left on the poll and if you could take ten seconds to pop onto the main page and vote on the left-hand side, that would be fantastic! There are about 400 of you reading, so getting closer to 100 would awesome. Anywho. Thanks for your time and thanks for reading!

New Poll: What gender are you?

If you click through to the blog you will find a new poll on the left hand side. I’m curious about the gender split of my readers, so if you could take two seconds to come on over and let me know whether you are male or female (or neither), that would be great. Thanks for your time and happy clicking.