Promo Bits: Chaos by Escober
Here’s some quick info about a new Underlands Press release. Cover Copy:When British Soldier Alex returns home from his tour in Bosnia, he’s plagued by blackouts, recurring nightmares, and uncontrollable acts of violence. Escaping to Mexico, Fisher sets off on a globetrotting tour in an attempt to distance himself from the demons in his head. A chance meeting with a mysterious woman named Angela introduces Fisher to a far more passionate-and far more dangerous-life. After a series of life-threatening encounters, Fisher begins to wonder just who Angela really is-or even if she’s real at all. With his grip on reality slipping, Fisher’s demons return in full force, awakening a flood of suppressed memories. As he attempts to sort through his complicated and half-remembered past, Fisher discovers that the truth is harder to accept than the lies. The first of four books by a popular Dutch writing duo, this tense, psychologically acute thriller marks their American debut. Title: ChaosAuthor: EscoberPublished: 05/01/2009Format: Bound Trade PaperPage Count: 320Dimensions: 6X9ISBN: 978-0-9802260-3-4 More information about the novel and how to buy it can be found at this webpage.
Promo Bits: Exit Vector by Simon Drax (Underland Press)
Here starts a new feature here on WISB: Promo Bits. I likely won’t make personal comments on these every time, since the book or site should speak for itself. Here goes: EXIT VECTORA wovel from Underland Pressby simon draxStart date: June 22, 2009 Mori Kim Marr’s personal force-field of drugs and drink has worn thin: she’s a burned-out teenager in a burned-out world, an Earth wracked by wars and rumors of wars, plagues and disasters, the hopelessness of every human heart. Mori couldn’t care less; just bring her the next fix, please. But when an artificial woman from the 19th century and a boy with psionic powers wander into the smoke and squalor of Mori’s favorite watering hole, gore-drenched violence and city-wide destruction erupts, catapulting Mori and her new-found “friends” into the thick of a battle that began long ago, a war that has raged since before the dawn of civilization, a blood-feud fought and overseen by the sole-survivor of an ancient, pre-human race: Trista Ska Shearn, last of the Cantarans. Trista has been waiting 65,000 thousand years for this, the final battle; she has waited millennia for the glum, sallow teenager, Mori Kim Marr. For Mori is . . . the Exit Vector. Ancient enemies will clash. Worlds will crumble. The fate of the very universe will be decided in Exit Vector. About Simon Drax:SIMON DRAX was born in Gloomy, Massachusetts in 1965. He began the serious pursuit of writing fiction at 14. Drax has worked as a typesetter, graphic artist, bouncer, steel cutter, counselor to severely handicapped children, building supervisor, film critic, and art director. His stories and essays have been published in The Quarterly, Bonesaw, Midnight Zoo, Fever, After Hours, and VideoScope. His novel, A Very Fast Descent into Hell, will be published in 2010 by Underland Press. About Underland Press’ Wovel:Combining the pace of print journalism, the creativity of fiction, and the interactivity of web 2.0, the wovel is a weekly serial with a vote button at the end of each installment. Every Monday, the author posts an installment, usually about five to seven pages in length. At the end of the installment, readers vote on which direction they want the story to take, and the author incorporates the readers’ decision into the narrative. Past wovels by Kealan Patrick Burke and Jemiah Jefferson have drawn more than 1,000 readers and 14,000 page views a month. Read the first installment of EXIT VECTOR on June 22 at Underland Press.