Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Question: What do you look for in a review?

(Note: I am still working on another post on the whole New Weird/Scifi Strange thing. I’ve been busy, and those posts tend to take a lot of time that I currently don’t have. Derrida is killing me. The next post will be up this week, though.) Jeff of Genre Reader has a post up on […]

Climate Change Science Fiction: Making a List

While I was in England earlier this year, I had the opportunity to meet a fellow who was working on a climate change fiction project.  We got to talking one day and he asked me if I knew of any science fiction works that dealt with climate change, either explicitly, or as a background element […]

Question for Readers: How did you find your favorite books?

We all know there are too many books for any one person to read each year (except for Larry Nolen, who reads about nine books a second and shoots laser beams from his eyes), but one thing that I don’t think we talk about enough is how we discover the books that we read. So, […]

Comic Book/Graphic Novel Suggestions: What Are Your Favorites?

I’m notoriously picky when it comes to comics. When I was a kid, I was a huge Marvel junkie. I had all kinds of comic books, the collectible cards, action figures, and a very strict Saturday morning X-men cartoon viewing schedule (by that, I mean that if I missed an episode, someone would feel my […]

Reader Question: Do you think science fiction is inherently liberal?

A friend sent this question to me the other day, along with a bunch of others. I couldn’t answer them all in one post, but this one in particular sparked my curiosity. One thing that has to be decided is what the word “liberal” means in a political context (since that is the context in […]