Reader Question: How do I get ARCs/galleys easily?
This one was sent to me by LibraryDad via twitter. I think this is one of those questions that eventually gets asked by someone somewhere. Those of us who review books, whether professionally or as amateurs, love getting advanced reader copies (ARCs or galleys). I’m not entirely sure why. I like them because it’s nice […]
Reader Question: Why Science Fiction?
This is an interesting question submitted by Perry on Facebook. The reason it’s interesting is because I’m not sure what it’s asking. It could be asking several different things at once, such as: Why do you like science fiction? Why do you write/blog about science fiction? Why science fiction and not something else? How exactly […]
Reader Question: Current Events and Reader Preferences and Experience
TruGenius recently left a comment asking me the following: How do current social events shape readers preferences? I’m going to start this off by saying that I am in no way a genius on this subject. I haven’t spent years studying book sales, trends, etc. So everything I am going to say on this subject […]
Advice on Writing Reviews Part Three
(Read Part One and Part Two)Moving on from all the general stuff, we get to some specifics. Now, since I write “Comprehensive Reviews,” I can’t provide any specific advice for any other form. I assume that the emailer likes the way I review books, so I’ll offer some insight on that front.When writing a review, […]
Advice on Writing Reviews Part Two
(Read Part One and Part Three)Alright, so I’ve gone through the types of reviewers, but what about reviewing in general? Well, before you sit down to actually write reviews, you should really think about what you’re doing. Consider what kinds of reviews you want to write, what kinds of books you want to write them […]
Advice on Writing Reviews Part One
I recently received an email from a reader asking for advice on reviewing books and book review blogs. I figured the best way to answer would be to write a post about it (names excluded, of course). Here is what the reader wrote: The main reason I’m writing this e-mail is to ask you for […]