Ethanol = Bad
Right now on Channel 8 in Santa Cruz they’re talking about something I seem to recall saying myself when ethanol first was released and ethanol cars came out: it’s bad.Well, it’s being blamed for a food crisis, which is exactly what I was saying before. Since ethanol uses something called corn, and we Americans, and much of the world, seem to like this particular vegetable when it comes to food, the result is that food costs are going up, particularly in lovely places like Mexico, which has enough problems as it is with poverty.Here’s a word of advice: how about we stop being retarded and thinking about TEMPORARY solutions and get us some PERMANENT solutions instead? Or is that too logical for the world? Where the hell are the Japanese on this? Shouldn’t they be firing off a bunch of cars that run off recycled soda cans or something? Yeah. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!) P.S.: Apologies for the short posts, but in an effort to keep active while this quarter begins killing me from the inside in the last weeks I’ve resolved myself to write witty little remarks like the above. Yes, some more interesting articles are bound to come in the near future. Just be patient and enjoy the random bits of potential hilarity. Or don’t.
Woes of Living On My Own
Things I didn’t want when I moved: Loud argument, screaming matches, and the stress that comes with it. People who don’t pay the rent. Problematic relationships between the owner of the house and tenants, often resulting in the above screaming matches. The unfortunate desire to remain like a hermit in my room at all times, only coming out to get water and rarely coming out to cook food. Things I got: All of the above. Yeah. Not feeling it right now. (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)
Aww, the Bachelor Life
There are great advantages to being on your own. One of the best ones is that I don’t have to fight anyone over the toy in the cereal box. That’s right, it’s all mine.What is that in my hand? Well it’s certainly not a razor, because why would I be flashing around a razor instead of shaving off my rather rugged-man beard? That is a plastic, light-up Indiana Jones spoon that I managed to procure in a box of Cocoa Krispies. Another benefit is that I can eat all the cereal I want and my brother can steal the good stuff.Oh and I’m fairly certain I will become a green tea junkie.Yeah. Green tea is good.
How to Tell When the Religious Right Has Lost Its Damn Mind
Really? Are you sh*tin’ me?Since when has doing a magic TRICK been considered wizardry? Alternately, how far backwards have we gone when someone can be fired for doing something as silly as making a toothpick disappear and reappear? He did a circus trick…who gives a flying fig?So if you can’t tell, this is a prime example of why the religious right has completely gone off the deep end. This guy should sue.
I Hate CNN
Why? Because of this article. What it’s attempting to do is make it seem like Americans are being pathetic babies about the gas price thing. What’s the problem with that? Well, first off they say in the article that the prices shown don’t reflect wages…so my question is this: how can you presume to know whether Americans really don’t have anything to bitch about if you aren’t even taking into account the difference in wages from country to country? My girlfriend is from England, so I decided to use that as a basis, since it is often said that England has such ridiculous prices for gas (or petrol, if you will).Minimum wage in England is about 5.60 pounds. Roughly converted to U.S. dollars, that is $11.20. That’s MINIMUM wage. For most states in the U.S. minimum wage is well under $7.00 (all these are based on hourly wages). Some states the minimum wage is still under $6. So, when CNN tells us that gas is about $8.36 per gallon in the UK we’re supposed to think, “Wow, they’re really paying out the butt for gas.” The reality of the situation is that with average gas prices in the U.S. at $3.45, it’s really not that different. Seriously. Yes, they are paying more than us, but it’s not as drastic as the article wants to portray. They want us to look at it as if UK people make the same as we do. But they don’t. Not when you look at it in direct comparison. If anything, the pound is just inflated due to its value and a lot of the products in the UK reflect that (minus the book industry, which is a bit pricey).So, you have every right to bitch and moan about gas prices, my fellow Americans. Why? Because gas is EXPENSIVE. Just like it is most anywhere. The CNN article is basically a bunch of bullcrap. Look at what it says on the images: “Prices not adjusted for cost of living or exchange rates.” That should say it all about the statistics.
Reviewing Ethics: A Question For All
I have a question that I think needs answering from more people than just myself (which is why I’m asking the question):Is it unethical for me to enter into contests on a blog I do reviews for even if I’m told it’s okay by the owner of the blog?I ask this question because SQT of F & SF Lovin’ Book Reviews often has some really good little contests for free books. As most of you know I do reviews for that blog. So, while SQT says that it’s okay for me to enter, I feel some apprehension because I have a feeling that there is something unethical about it. Some part of me doesn’t feel right about entering those contests because I get this sense that I shouldn’t be entering seeing how I’m a member of the reviewing crew. What do you think on this issue? Am I just being silly? (Don’t click the read more, there isn’t any more after this!)