Rejection: Archaeopteryx

Yup another. Not much to say, just mentioning the rejection. Anyone else getting any rejections this week?

Rejection: Artemis

Yup, another one. It must be a mark of my extraordinarily thick skin that I don’t even think twice about rejections anymore. I see them, shrug, and sent the work somewhere else. This isn’t to say that I haven’t put a lot of work into this particular piece; I have. But the piece is as far as I can really take it, I think. In any case, this piece is off to another place far away.

Rejection: Archaeopteryx

Another rejection!  Unfortunately it was a form rejection, but considering what the magazine just went through I suspect almost everyone is getting forms right now. Oh well, I’ll be submitting to a new magical place shortly.

Rejection: To Paint Lords Green

The second rejection I had yesterday was actually far more positive than the other.  “To Paint Lords Green” is a fairly new story that I finished editing on the 15th.  In any case, it will be going off to some other fantasy place.  But the good words were as follows: This is a perfectly good story, but it doesn’t quite have the feel I want. Try it on another market. And that’s that.  Toodles!

Rejection: Nobody Gives a Crap About Compsagnathus

Yesterday was an excellent day to get rejected.  I got two rejections yesterday.  The first is for the story mentioned in the title for this post.  The editor had this to say: Thanks for sending in your story “Nobody Gives a Crap About Compsagnathus,” but I’ve decided not to accept it [I cut the mag’s name out because I’m not sure if I should keep such things]. The writing is well done, but the idea for this one just didn’t connect with me. Good luck to you with it and thanks for the look. That’s a decent rejection in my book. Anywho, it’s off to some other magical place, wherever that may be. Toodles!