Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Self-Publishing: A Clarification (for those who don’t know)

Apparently I’ve raised a tiny bit of a stink over self-publishing based on what I said here, particularly with folks who apparently are not familiar with my full position on self-publishing, which had no purpose being reiterated in that post. So, to make things more clear on my position, I give you this list of […]

Reader Question: To Self-publish or Not to Self-publish, That is the Question

Blondishnet recently asked: What are your thoughts on ‘self-publishing?’ Would you recommend it? And if so, for whom? This is a good question, the answer to which will not be remotely surprising. No, I do not recommend self-publishing except in the following instances: You are writing a family memoir that you only intend family to […]

Sometimes Your Writing Just Sucks

And sometimes there’s nothing you can do to fix it. Mur Lafferty had a post some time ago about tough love and there was one thing she said that I have to disagree with: My point is that if you write a book, and you can’t get it published, it doesn’t mean the dream is […]

Self-publishing Sucks and Small Presses Rule

Mulluane recently pointed me in the direction of this interesting discussion of the 21st Century Writer knowing full well that I would take issue with some of the points. I’ve come to learn that the old bat has me pretty much pegged when it comes to talking points. The problem with that post isn’t that […]

Publishing: Your Options and the Pros and Cons

I don’t think I’ve done a post like this before and it occurred to me that many of my readers and folks out in the blogosphere might like a post that looks into the various options for publishing and whether they are worth it. So, for this post I’m going to put together a short […]