Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Space Travel De-mystified

Well, here we are living in a world where we can barely get human beings to the moon and with NASA constantly canceling projects like network TV drops shows, the chances of sending people to Mars get worse and worse. But science fiction writers aren’t simply going to give up writing about faster-than-light spaceships because […]

Some Useful Links of the Week

Well I’m posting a lot of links and this post is basically just some more links to stuff that might be useful to some of you. Mostly I picked them because they’re interesting to me. I’m also not trying to steal what Jason Penney is doing over at All the Billion Other Moments. He does […]

Start Wars and Write Better

Yes, the title is intended to make you blink twice. I wrote it that way on purpose. How can wars be good for writing? When they are “Word Wars”. So, what exactly is a Word War?A Word War is essentially a no pressure contest between two or more individuals, all writers for obvious reasons, who […]

Stuffs For Us Writers (Part One)

Decided to have a short post of nifty sites, programs, and the like that I have discovered that could come to great use for some of you guys out there. FreemindI’ve already mentioned this program, but it is worth mentioning again. Freemind is a mindmapping program. Here’s a picture of one of my mindmaps for […]

Nifty Tools and Brainstorming

I decided that even though I have posted for this week, I would post again for the weekend because I’ve come up with some interesting information for those of you who are writers, and presumably this same information could come of use to perhaps businessmen and the like as well. At least I suppose so. […]