Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

A Game of Thrones: Episode Three (“Lord Snow”)

“Lord Snow” is not a relief episode.  “Winter is Coming” and “The Kingsroad” were episodes devoted to producing tension, introducing all the major conflicts that would drive the series and tossing in a number of cliffhangers and “holy crap” moments to keep the audience glued to the screen.  Instead, “Lord Snow” is an episode that […]

A Game of Thrones: Episode Two (“The Kingsroad”)

When I initially began watching HBO’s adaptation of A Game of Thrones, I was very interested, but not blown away.  That feeling fell to the wayside with “The Kingsroad” (and, as I remarked in my review of “Winter is Coming,” much of what I had issues with seemed to dim upon a second viewing). The […]

A Game of Thrones: Episode One (“Winter is Coming”)

I’ve been cautiously anticipating the HBO adaptation of George R. R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones for a while.  My ex and one of my friends tried to get me to read the first book in the series, but for whatever reason I couldn’t get into it.  That negative experience, however, didn’t shake my anticipation, […]

Show Review: Sanctuary (the pilot episode)

I decided on a whim today to watch the pilot episode of Sanctuary itself because I absolutely, positively hate commercials, and particularly hate the commercials on the Sci (online rather than on Sci FiFi channel). I’ve heard a little bit about the show and was curious, although I probably should have been reading instead. Regardless, […]