Video Found: John Brunner on SF
This is making the rounds: John Brunner talking about genre classification, sf poetry, and so on. What it reveals, I think, is the cyclical nature of the sf community. We keep coming back to the same questions, but it’s surprising how little progress we seem to have made in these matters. At least a good number of academics have stopped trying to define sf. Enjoy!
Video Found: An Interview w/ Arthur Conan Doyle on Sherlock Holmes and Spiritualism
The following video is supposedly the only video interview with Arthur Conan Doyle. I don’t know if that’s true, but it fascinating as a piece of cinematic and literary history. Enjoy!
Video Found: Women in SF (part three) w/ Karen Lord, Stephanie Saulter, and Naomi Foyle
No introduction needed. You can see the previous two parts here. Enjoy!
Videos Found: Women in SF w/ Karen Lord, Stephanie Saulter and Naomi Foyle
They need no introduction. Enjoy!
Videos Found: The Making of Blake’s 7
For you fans of Blake’s 7. Part One: Part Two: Part Three: Enjoy!
Video Found: Bohemian Rhapsody, Star Wars Style
The best part: Emperor Palpatine busting out a guitar solo using force lightning.