Video Found: Total Recall (the Musical)!

How do you make a campy, but lovable 80s science fiction film based loosely on a story by the late Philip K. Dick and starring the Governator even better? You turn it into a freaking musical! Whoever came up with this idea deserves a cookie. Here it is for your enjoyment (after the fold): So, what do you think?

Video Found: Your Light Saber and You (Vintage How-to)

I love Star Wars fan films when they’re good, and this film is cute and funny. It’s modeled after old 1950s how-to videos as a spoof in much the same manner as all those classic Goofy shorts from Disney. See for yourself (click the read more to see the video): (Thanks to SF Signal for the link.)

Video Found: Ataque de Panico (Panic Attack — Scifi Short)

I’m not sure how I missed this amazing science fiction short film, because it is bloody brilliant. I discovered this through a recent post at Scifi Wire. It’s about 5 minutes long and, for a film made by amateurs, it’s quite amazing. The graphics, while not quite to the standard of Hollywood, are still really impressive, particularly the explosions on buildings. See for yourself (after the fold):

Video Found: The Anachronism (Steampunk Short Movie)

I love independent film, especially on the Internet. While Hollywood spends its time doing remakes and crappy special-effects monstrosities like Avatar, other folks with very little in terms of cash go out and make amazing short films like The Anachronism. The basic story of the video below is: two kids discover a strange squid-shaped contraption while exploring the wilderness in the 19th century (it’s filmed in Canada, but I don’t know if it’s set there). You might recognize the young boy as the same fellow who played the 5-year-old version of the main character in Jumper. My only complaint about this movie is that it is a little too short. It should be a feature-length film. See it for yourself and you’ll understand why. Great direction, pretty good acting, beautiful cinematography, and decent effects. Whoever made the movie should be handed a larger budget and given the opportunity to do something bigger and even more amazing. I’ll shut up now. The video appears below the fold: The Anachronism (Full Film) from Anachronism Pictures on Vimeo.

Video Found: Prince of Persia Trailer

I’m not much for film adaptations of video games, but this might be one of the few such adaptations worth paying attention to. A decent cast, great effects, and careful attention paid to the source all amount to good things in my book. Let’s hope the movie is as good as the trailer! Here it is for your viewing pleasure (video is after the fold):

Video Found: “Space Monkey”

Apparently this video was made by the World Wildlife Fund (i.e. the WWF, which should not be confused with the wrestling people) in collaboration with Ben Lee, who wrote the song featured in the video (“Song for the Divine Mother of the Universe”) and Leo Burnett, who made the video. On the one hand, this is a brilliant movie. The chimpanzee used in the video looks remarkably real and the way the video progresses is really quite beautiful, if not a little disturbing. On the other hand, it’s also kind of creepy. Thanks to SF Signal for pointing me to this one. Here goes (video after the fold):Space Monkey from Leo Burnett on Vimeo.