Video Found: Sand Fantasy “You Got a Friend”
This video is really a thing of pure genius and beauty. It must take some significant artistic talent to come up with all this on the fly. Enjoy: Sand Fantasy “You Have A Friend”by funnytoo
Video Found: Michio Kaku Talking About the Multiverse
What Mr. Kaku is talking about in this video may sound like science fiction, but the reality is that there is a whole segment of the scientific community seriously studying this and finding evidence that suggests it is real. The great thing about Mr. Kaku is how he is able to present enormously complex subjects in a simplistic way so that anyone, in theory, can understand it. Anyway, the video is after the fold:
Video Found: Saturn Commercial, Steampunk Dinos, and Robotic Evolution
Not much has to be said other than I stole this from David Moles, whose only response was, “But do they sell action figures?” I’m wondering the same thing. Screw Transformers… Anywho, enjoy:
Video Found: The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain
I don’t know if this is the only adaptation of Mark Twain’s short story, but it’s certainly the creepiest. The short story isn’t quite the same, but this should give you a general idea! (Stolen from Chrononautic Log):
Video Found: The Economy Affects Robots Too!
If this isn’t clever advertising, then I don’t know what is. Granted, it’s a British ad, so I suppose clever fits the bill! Check it out (found via The Genre Files):
Video Found: Impact Simulation
I found this late last night and have to admit it’s somewhat terrifying. I don’t know how accurate it is as far as the science is concerned, but it still makes a valid point. Enjoy: