Video Found: The First 10 Minutes of John Carter

This is making the rounds, so it must be posted here too in order to over-saturate the blogosphere with John Carter goodness. (Note:  I have not watched the video below, and have no intention to do so.  I plan to see the movie and do not want that experience spoiled by the 10 minute clip.  But if you’re not that type of person, then the following video is sure to be fascinating.)

Video Found: “Danny and Annie” (Absolutely Beautiful)

The following video doesn’t have anything to do with SF/F or the general concerns of this blog, but I had to share it anyway.  I listened to it on Democracy Now earlier today; it brought me to tears. A little about StoryCorps first: StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives. Since 2003, StoryCorps has collected and archived more than 40,000 interviews from more than 60,000 participants.   They’ve started animating some of the stories.  This video is one of those animations: Beautiful, no?  Admit it…

Video Found: Nightmare Before Christmas Portal 2 Parody

The folks behind Portal 2 (and the fans who love it) are a weird bunch. Clever. But weird. Take this, for example: Brilliant? You betcha. But damned creepy. I’d even go so far as to say the Portal 2 version of “This is Halloween” (changed to “This is Aperture”) is infinitely creepier and more relevant than ever. After all: what’s more terrifying than a collective of singing evil robots trying to convince you that you’re both safe and unsafe at the same time? Then again…there’s cake…

Video Found: Muppets Respond to FOX News (Hilarious)

I’m not even going to preface this with anything on than this sentence, which is a sort of preface.  Just watch: Possibly the clever take-down of FOX News ever.  Even Jon Stewart could not have reached the wonder that is this moment, and that’s saying a lot…because Stewart is a real person.