Video Found: A Tortoise and a Cat Walk Into a Bar…
I have no idea what is going on in this video beyond the obvious. Why did the cat decide to ride on the tortoise? Why did the tortoise have no problem with such a thing? I don’t know. It’s craziness, I tell you! See for yourself (after the fold): What did I tell you? Crazy, right?
Video Found: George Lucas Strikes Back
This is hilarious! George Lucas was kidnapped in the 1980s and an evil man used his likeness to create the prequels and destroy his career. It’s the best kind of geek fantasy in comedy form! Check it out (after the fold): Thanks to SF Signal for the find!
Video Found: Doctor Who Theme (SNES Style)
I don’t know if I would have played a Super Nintendo version of Doctor Who. What would the game entail? Solving puzzles? The Doctor rarely kills in the series through direct action and almost never carries guns. I suppose if you played his companions (River, perhaps?) you could make it a little more action-oriented. That said, puzzles can be fun and the Doctor always manages to get himself into situations where a little brains are needed. Who knows? It could have been a fun game, and this might have been the opening credits (after the fold): Cool, huh? (Thanks to SF Signal for the discovery.)
Video Found: Terra Nova (Trailer)
Spielberg is at it again. With the dinosaurs, I mean. Terra Nova doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, though. They’re sending people back in time for a second chance? But doesn’t that screw up the future they’re fleeing from more (and faster)? Or is this not true time travel? Are they simply going to another world, as in Avatar? I don’t know; I’m going to watch to find out. Terra Nova has the feel of an epic story. We’ll see if it’s any good… Here’s the trailer (after the fold):
Video Found: The History of The Twilight Zone
Apparently the 11th of May was Twilight Zone Day. I had no idea we’d started devoting days to the classic television series, but it seems fitting that a show as weird as TZ would receive its own day. The following video is a very brief history of the show. It’s a good introduction and explains why the show is still one of the most important SF/F TV series ever created. Here it is (after the fold): Now you can say you learned something new!
Video Found: A Game of Thrones Theme (Heavy Metal Version)
Say what you will about the TV adaptation of A Game of Thrones, but fans are lapping it up. Some with musical talent are even pushing out their musical adaptations of the theme tune. The following is by far one of my favorites: Is that not freaking awesome? You can get the mp3 here.