Welcome to The Histories.

The Histories is an encyclopedia of the universe written by Shaun Duke. It features the absolutely true not-at-all-imagined biographies of real people (and the organizations, people, and events which populate those lives). For a more detailed explanation of this wiki, see the What is This? page. There are currently 25,800 words in this project.

You can read the various entries of this wiki via the navbar at the top of this page. This includes all existing entries in alphabetical order by last name and the Forthcoming page.

If you're interested in having material added to this wiki, including new entries for yourself, a friend, or a family member or additions to existing entries, please see the Buy An Entry page here or in the navbar under About. Additional information on how to support this project can be found on the Support page.

Please let your friends know about this wiki on social media and elsewhere!