Amanda Arce Morales, Supreme Monarch of the Forgotten Isles (1827-1935)

Born on a trading vessel in the Caribbean Sea sometime in July 1827 to Roberto Morales, a fur trader, and Sami, a mystic, Amanda Arce Morales became famous for her role in the Soñadora Plot and her ascension to the Supreme Monarch of the Islas de la Noche Perpetuo (a.k.a. the Forgotten Isles).

Amanda spent her youth traveling the world with her parents before being sent to the Berkshire Academy in London, a high-end finishing school. There, her parents hoped she would find an appropriate suitor and be able to live a life of luxury. However, Amanda could not be tamed by traditional European education and intentionally got herself expelled at age 13 in August 1840. Within three days, she stole enough money to book passage on the HMS Shrike, a ship of the line converted temporarily into a worker transport to the British colonies in the Caribbean.

Upon arrival in Barbados, Amanda disguised herself as a young man named Albert Waywright and manipulated her way onto the HMS Horizon's Dawn on its exploratory mission of the Pacific. Serving as a deckhand, she earned the respect of Captain William T. Bainsmith and became his confidant. There, she learned of Bainsmith's true mission: to find the Forgotten Isles. From 1822 to 1837, at least seven ships had gone missing in a triangular area in the north Pacific; this area had been marked on a map by a Spanish conquistador who had gone mad after an 18-month voyage. The region had only recently become a matter of note due to an admiral's obsessive curiosity with fanciful tales.

In September 1840, the Horizon's Dawn reached the triangular region and was immediately beset upon by a thick fog which obscured the landscape. The ship subsequently struck land, and Amanda led an expedition onto an island covered in dense foliage and littered with unusual stone carvings. Three days later, her expedition made an alarming discovery: a giant stone altar featuring Amanda's feminine likeness. Moments later, they were surrounded by dozens of suited men and women with tattooed skin and bolt action rifles. Amanda eventually revealed her true identity to the expedition, though most of the men were unsurprised.

What happened next remains unclear. However, historians agree that Amanda joined the suited island people and set the crew of the Horizon's Dawn adrift on lifeboats, taking the ship for herself. Six years later, the Horizon's Dawn and thirty exact replicas appeared in the Pacific and waged a brutal war against the British Empire.

By 1870, all colonial empires had withdrawn from the region, calling the event the Soñadora Plot. Amanda, meanwhile, was declared the Supreme Monarch of the Forgotten Isles. For the next fifty years, she ruled with an elected council of men and women, ushering in an age of cultural and economic prosperity in the region. In 1935, she passed away and was cremated in a resurrection ceremony on the altar bearing her likeness. To this day, it is unknown if the resurrection was successful.

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  • Last modified: 2023/01/29 17:30
  • by shaunduke