
Juan Sanmiguel, Time Agent (1965-2057)

Born on April 37th, 1965, Juan Sanmiguel is one of a handful of time travelers to have visited Earth 6119-A-74Z. Hailing from Earth 1559-B-84R, whose orbital period is roughly 120 days longer than our own as a result of unregistered temporal paradoxes, Sanmiguel spent his youth studying temporal phenomena. In particular, he grew fascinated with temporal ghosts, an anomaly caused by repeatedly altering timelines in alternate Earths and returning to one's home Earth immediately afterwards. These became the subject of his high school science presentation, for which he earned 1st place.

His early efforts brought him to the attention of Otto Breinschonen, who convinced Sanmiguel to pursue an advanced education at Armadillo College under the supervision of Drs. Tar Barhar and Elagar Singh II. There, he developed a protocol for preventing temporal ghosts, which was eventually implemented by the Global Temporal Management Agency led by Tim Hoddlestone. Upon graduation, Sanmiguel went on to work at the GTMA and trained as a temporal agent.

As an agent, Sanmiguel became renowned for his no-nonsense approach to handling temporal transgressors. In 1998, he successfully arrested nearly twice the number of transgressors as other agents and even singlehandedly stopped Markus Corvallis from destroying a temporal gateway to punish an entire world by cutting it off from time itself. These initial moments earned Sanmiguel praise within the GTMA but also made him a target for the Conclave of Temporal Ownership, a terrorist organization which advocated for public ownership of time. In 2007, for example, agents for the CTO attempted to remove Sanmiguel from the 1559-B-84R timeline by severing his transit line in mid-transfer. For sixteen years (local time), he was trapped on Earth 771-F-12Q, a world with a 13-hour day and 80s-era technology. Eventually, Sanmiguel repaired his transit line and spent the next 30 years dismantling and arresting members of the CTO.

In 2047, Sanmiguel retired to Earth 9944-K-09B, a paradise world whose human inhabitants went extinct because they couldn't survive a fourth Ice Age. For much of his remaining years, he devoted his life to avoiding interviews and writing novels. His most successful work, Plutarch and the Bears of Wandertown, earned him a Pulitzer for Satirical Literature. The novel tells the story of a man dressed as a bear who attempts to understand the nature of existence in a dilapidated pizza shop. To date, it is the only known neo-postmodernist satire of White House press secretaries which explores the influence of temporal historification on the human psyche.

Upon his death in April 2057, Sanmiguel left a note for over 3,000 Sanmiguels on other timelines with instructions to deliver them immediately. Nobody knows what is on the notes, but authorities suspect that Sanmiguel had grown dissatisfied with the overwhelming influence of temporal transit on human cultures and may have opted to convince other versions of himself to stay put. However, this is merely a rumor. As he was often fond of saying, “Only time will tell the truth.”

  • wiki/juansanmiguel.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/29 17:32
  • by shaunduke