Lisa Jeneva Cohen, Purgatory Guide (1644-???)

Born on August 12th to Saura Janiket and Melbert Cohen during the Night of Blood, Lisa Jeneva Cohen became known as Camminatore del puratorio – the Purgatory Walker – by members of the Italian public. This designation came from the writings of Pope Boniface VIII, who secretly lived long enough to see himself placed in the Eighth Circle of Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy. In his post-fake-death writings, he stated his belief that children born during unexpected blood moons are capable of crossing over into Purgatory. These were believed to be the ravings of a mad man, yet the Catholic Church still manipulated the public to use the designation for reasons that remain unknown.

The truth of Pope Boniface VIII's words was revealed in the summer of 1651, when Cohen mysteriously disappeared from her parents' villa. Believed to have been kidnapped by a rival family – this being a curious norm in mid-1600s Rome – her disappearance sparked a blood feud between the Cohen and Giotto families. This feud would have led to a civil war in 1653 if not for Cohen's reappearance in St. Peter's Square. To the public's surprise, Cohen appeared covered in soot, unaged, and babbling in a language later identified as Enochian. Submitted to the Church for analysis, it was later determined that she had fallen into Purgatory, communed with fallen angels and poets, and had found her way back to the world of the living. This became the first known instance of a mortal traveling to and from Purgatory without first abandoning the mortal body.

From 1653-1686, Cohen was kept in the Vatican's wing for the Ali dei Morti (Wings of the Dead) for training by Piero Arcimboldo Colombo, a former Purgatory traveler and serial killer born in 559 C.E. who spent most of his youth using the bodies of his victims as return vessels. Cohen's training consisted of advanced studies in the Enochian language, cartography, religious lore, pottery, business, and Eastern European literature. In the course of this training, she honed her traveling abilities and developed a method for bringing mortal bodies to and from the below. In 1686, she was released from the Ali dei Morti to serve as the official Purgatory Guide for the Catholic Church, ferrying popes, cardinals, wealthy donors, and the occasional pasta master to Purgatory and back; in her free time, she managed a string of pop-up pesto carts. Paid handsomely for her services, she remained at this post until the War of the Spanish Succession, when she conspired with Philip of Anjou to leave the Vatican and use her abilities to benefit the unification of Spain and France. Relying on Spanish and Ottoman assassins, the plot led to an incursion into the Vatican, several assassinations of lesser cardinals, and the extraction of Cohen. However, before the Spanish could bring her to Spain, she revealed a second plot: a British-led counter-extraction which led to the annihilation of the Spanish-Ottoman group and the immediate flight of Cohen to the Americas.

Upon arriving in the British colonies in 1715, Cohen disappeared into colonial life, using her powers sparingly and almost entirely to seek the council of the many architects, poets, clowns, and sheepherders found on the various levels of Purgatory. In 1741, she successfully financed and built the Cathedral of Souls, a rugby field and Purgatory amplifier capable of supporting communication between the realms. Shortly after, she disappeared again during an unexpected blood moon. To date, the Vatican claims that Cohen sought the comfort of demons and submitted her soul to them; however, her friends believe she met another traveler there who could take her to other worlds. This latter belief is still considered heresy and a lie by the Church, though recent documents from a secretive meeting with the Alpha Centaurans strongly suggests otherwise. Regardless, Cohen's whereabouts remain unknown.

  • wiki/lisajenevacohen.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/29 17:12
  • by shaunduke