- Specializations: Caribbean Literature, Transnational Literary Studies, Science Fiction, Postcolonialism, Spatial Theory, and Digital Rhetoric
- Dissertation: The Archipelago of Worlds: Caribbean Literature and the Modalities of Liberative Spatiality
- Committee: Leah Rosenberg (Chair), Phillip Wegner (Co-Chair), Apollo Amoko, Malini Schueller, and Vandana Baweja
- Thesis: “The Interstellar Initiative: Space and Identity in Expatriate Caribbean Science Fiction”
- Committee: Phillip Wegner (Director) and Terry Harpold
Current Areas of Interest
Science fiction studies; digital rhetoric and culture; postcolonial studies; Caribbean literature; transnational American literature; media studies; rhetoric and composition; technical writing.
Academic Employment and Service
- Assistant Professor, Digital Rhetoric and Writing, Bemidji State University, 2018-Present
- Co-Director of Composition (w/ Graduate Training in RhetComp Instruction), 2022-Present
- Member, Outreach and Recruitment Committee, 2019-Present
- Member, Literature Committee, 2018-Present
- Member, Composition and Rhetoric Committee, 2018-Present
- Member, Assessment Committee, 2018-Present
- Adjunct Instructor, English, Santa Fe College, 2011-2018
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, English, University of Florida, 2009-2018
Grants Funded
- Scholarly Contributor. Project: “MassMine: Collecting and Archiving Big Data for Social Media Humanities Research.” National Endowment for the Humanities. May 2015. Amount requested: $60,000. Proposal.
Book Publications
- Rhetoric & Arguments: A Primer in Ethical Reasoning. Kendall Hunt Publishing. Spring 2020 (forthcoming). (Co-written with Dr. Prabin Lama)
- Speculative Fiction 2014: The Year’s Best Online Reviews, Essays and Commentary. Book Smugglers Publishing. 2015. (Co-edited with Renee Williams)
Peer Reviewed Articles
- “The Interstellar Initiative: Space and Identity in Expatriate Caribbean Science Fiction” in Essays on Global Transformation of Science Fiction edited by Gary Westfahl (forthcoming from McFarland)
- “Out of Control: Disrupting Technological Mastery in Michael Moorcock’s The Warlord of the Air and K.W. Jeter’s Infernal Devices.” Like Clockwork: Essays on Steampunk. Eds. Rachel A. Bowser and Brian Croxall. University of Minnesota Press. December 2016. (Co-written with Dr. Joseph Weakland)
- “The Multiplicities of Empire and the Libidinal Economy in Makoto Shinkai’s The Place Promised in Our Early Days.” Science Fiction Film and Television. 7.3 (2014). 387-407.
Other Essay Publications
- “2015 Survey of International Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans: The Hugo Awards and the Puppies Controversy.” File 770. (2017). (Co-written with Dr. Aaron Beveridge)
- “The Taxonomy of Genre: Science Fiction as Supergenre.” Speculative Fiction 2014: The Year’s Best Online Reviews, Essays and Commentary. Reprint. 2015.
- “Diversity is Not a Selfie.” Speculative Fiction 2013: The Best Online Reviews, Essays and Commentary. Eds. Ana Grilo and Thea James. Book Smugglers Publishing. 2014. Reprint.
- “Political Allegory: Receptions and their Implications in V and District 9.” Crimethink: Politics and Speculative Fiction. Ed. Megan Arkenberg. 2010.
Review Publications
- “X-Men: Dark Phoenix (Simon Kinberg US 2019).” SFRA Bulletin, No. 330. (Fall 2019)
- “Fake Geek Girls: Fandom, Gender, and the Convergence Culture Industry by Suzanne Scott.” Journal of Popular Culture. 53.4.
- “Exploring the Limits of the Human through Science Fiction by Gerald Alva Miller, Jr.” The Journal on the Fantastic in the Arts. 26.1 (2015)
- “Dark Orbit by Carolyn Ives Gilman.” Strange Horizons. (November 2015)
- “How to Live on Other Planets edited by Joanne Merriam.” Strange Horizons. (April 2015)
- “Retrospectively, Delany (on Starboard Wine).” Extrapolation. 55.2 (2014)
- “Sound of My Voice (Zal Batmanglij US 2011).” Science Fiction Film and Television. 7.1 (2014)
- “Bricks by Leon Jenner.” Strange Horizons. (Nov. 2011)
- “Tron: Legacy.” Strange Horizons. (Jan. 2011)
Current Projects
- Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson (2000): A Critical Guide. Palgrave SFF: A New Canon. Palgrave Macmillan. Proposal in Progress.
- The Great Diversification of Science Fiction: Canon Cultures, Culture Wars, and Fandom. Proposal in progress.
- “Postcolonial Thought, Decolonizing the Anthropocene, and Tobias S. Buckell’s Climate Change Novels”
- Postcolonial Futurism: Global Anglophone Science Fiction, Digital Culture, and Cultural Decolonization
Talks & Conferences
Invited Talks and Guest Lectures
- “What Twitter Data Can Tell Us About U.S. Elections: Political Meaning in the Age of Endless Data.” 2019 Honors Council Lecture Series / Bemidji State University. Bemidji, MN. April 4, 2019.
- “All Your Humanity Are Belong to Us: Network Culture and Contagions in SF (From Forster’s Machine to the Wachowski’s Cloud Atlas).” University of Florida Science Fiction and Fantasy Symposium. April 11, 2013.
- “Ernest Hemingway and the Key West.” Class Lecture for GEA 2270: “Geography of Florida.” University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. Summer 2015 and 2016.
Conference Presentations
- “Canonicity in the Rainbow Age of the ‘Net: Unstable Canons, Diversification, and Afrofuturist / Africanfuturist Writers.” 44th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Afrofuturism). Orlando, FL. March 13-16, 2023.
- “The Trials of Intersectional Allyship: Utopian Communities, Otherness, and Terror in Cadwell Turnbull’s No Gods, No Monsters (2021).” 43rd International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Fantastic Communities). Orlando, FL. March 16-19, 2022.
- “Postcolonial Thought, Decolonizing the Anthropocene, and Tobias S. Buckell’s Climate Change Novels.” 41st International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Climate Change and the Anthropocene). Orlando, FL. March 18-21, 2020. (Forthcoming)
- “Genre and Public Rhetoric: Science Fiction, Social Justice, and the Hugo Awards.” 40th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Politics and Conflict). Orlando, FL. March 14-17, 2019.
- “The Search for Liberative Space: Mary Seacole, Stephen Cobham, and the Conflicted Utopias of the Caribbean.” 88th South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference (Utopia/Dystopia: Whose Paradise Is It?). Jacksonville, FL. Nov. 4-6, 2016.
- Moderator. “Marginal Voices: Latin America and Spain and Science Fiction.” International and Minority Science Fiction in a Global World. University of Florida. Oct. 1, 2014.
- “‘Our Lives Are Not Our Own’: Sonmi 451’s Subversive Otherness and the Multivalent Threat of Infection in Cloud Atlas (2012).” 34th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. March 21-25, 2013.
- “Becoming the Dark Lord: Colonial-Cultural Rupture and Constructing Antihistorical Identity in Kage Baker’s The House of the Stag.” 33rd International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. March 22-25, 2012.
- “Escaping Apartheid: The Speculative Renaissance in South Africa (or, Rebuilding the Speculative World Over Apartheid’s Carcass).” 11th Annual English Graduate Organization Conference. University of Florida. Oct. 28-29, 2011.
- “Repetitive History and the Formation of Identity During Interstellar Crisis in Hopkinson’s Midnight Robber and Buckell’s Ragamuffin (or ‘The Interstellar Initiative’s Broken Dream’).” Precarious Subjects: Borders, Interstices, and Instabilities in Literature and Culture. Graduate Student Conference, University of Alabama in Huntsville. April 1-2, 2011.
- “The Interstellar Initiative: Space and Identity in Expatriate Caribbean Science Fiction.” The 2011 Eaton Science Fiction Conference on Global Science Fiction. University of California, Riverside. Feb. 11-13, 2011.
- “Weirding the Genre: From New Weird to Scifi Strange, and Beyond. ” What Happens Now: 21st Century Writing in English – the First Decade. University of Lincoln. July 9-12, 2010.
- “Otherism: The Dissection of Humanity and the Negation of the Human in Battlestar Galactica.” 2010 National Popular Culture and American Culture Association Conference. St. Louis, MO. March 31-April 3, 2010.
- “Habitually Us: Battlestar Galactica, the “Android Personality,” and Human Preservation. ” 31st Annual Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association Conference. Albuquerque, NM. Feb. 10-13, 2010.
- “Fabricated Histories and Non-Nationalist Identities.” 9th Annual English Graduate Organization Conference (“Home/sickness”). University of Florida. Nov. 12-13, 2009.