Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Movie Review (Preliminary Thoughts): Snow White and the Huntsman

(These are my early “just got home from the movie” thoughts.  They do not represent my final verdict on the film, which will come when I’ve had time to let things stew.  That said, I don’t expect my opinion to change terribly much over time, as they did for The Happening, which I would now […]

Semi Movie Review: Ironclad (Historical Revisionism of the Worst Sort)

Have you seen Ironclad?  It stars Paul Giamatti as King John of England and James Purefoy as Thomas Marshall, a Templar Knight (Purefoy, by the way, seems to have had a role in at least 3/4ths of the medieval-era-ish film productions released in the last 6 or so years, which is impressive).  If you haven’t, […]

Quickie Review: Hanna

I got a chance to see Hanna with my brother and sister the other day and thought I would offer some short, but sweet thoughts. Plot:  Living in the middle of nowhere, Hanna is raised by her father, Erik, to be a skilled soldier in order to assassinate the woman who killed her mother.  When […]

Movie (Mini) Review: Chocolate (Thai Martial Arts Flick of Awesome)

(I originally posted this mini-rant on Google+, but figured those of you who don’t bother with all that social networking B.S. would also be interested.) I just finished watching a martial arts movie called Chocolate.  The movie itself is pretty awesome:  it’s about girl whose autism allows her to learn fighting styles at a young […]

Movie Review: Contagion

I’ve been looking forward to Contagion ever since I saw the preview with Matt Damon.  My friends know I have a soft spot for Damon; I honestly don’t know what it is about him.  He’s a good actor, sure, but there are plenty of good actors I don’t get excited about when I see they […]

Movie Review: Tron: Legacy (Strange Horizons)

In case you missed it, the fine folks at Strange Horizons have published my review of Tron: Legacy.  The review is focused on the worldbuilding, rather than the general quality of the film.  Hopefully you all find it interesting.  Do leave a comment there! You also might want to see my brief, general review of […]