Dr. Shaun Duke, Professional Nerd

Editor. Writer. Professor. Host.

Movie Review: Tron: Legacy (A Brief Review)

And by brief, I mean really brief.  I’m currently working on a late review for Strange Horizons, which will be my take on the worldbuilding.  However, since I quite enjoyed the film, I wanted you all to have my scores for the various aspect of the films, which I usually do at the end of […]

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part One

It’s finally here: the first part of the official end of the Harry Potter series. The books have long since passed, but fans that need their Harry Potter fix still have two movies left with which to indulge themselves. And the fans seem to know it if box office numbers have anything to say on […]

Movie Review: 2081

When I first heard about 2081, an independent film adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron,” earlier in the year, I had high hopes that something good would come of it.  I am always skeptical of adaptations of science fiction works largely because they have been periodically butchered by Hollywood producers for decades.  But after seeing the trailer, I […]

Inception, An Addendum: Emotion

Last week, I reviewed Inception and mentioned that I intended to see the film again and write some more about it. Now that I’ve seen it a second time, I think there are three things that need to be discussed about the film: emotional maturity, the state of narrative ambiguity, and the music. All three […]

Movie Review: Inception

There is only one movie I have been literally ecstatic about seeing, which is not something that happens to me very often. That movie is Inception. I can’t quite explain why, except to say that the marketing team behind Inception managed to utterly captivate me with their trailers and strong attempts at keeping secret the […]

Movie Review: Robin Hood

I had high hopes for this addition to the Robin Hood canon. The trailers promised a new take on the folktale and lots of action. And it gives you a bit of both, but it does so with a lackluster plot, poor character development, and some uneven acting. Consider this my short review, because everything […]